Raven Hawk
Raven Hawk
| 20 July 1996 (USA)
Raven Hawk Trailers

A Native-American woman, who was framed for the murders of her parents years before, returns to her reservation to seek revenge.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
merklekranz "Ravenhawk" turns out to be far better than one might expect of a TV movie. Rachel McLish is wrongly convicted of killing her parents, to the benefit of a large toxic waste recycling plant. Twelve years later she escapes from confinement and unleashes revenge on the villains who set her up. This comes across like a female version of "Rolling Thunder", with McLish instead of William Devane dishing out the punishment. The desert locations are used to full advantage, and there is a nice assortment of stunts. If you would enjoy a buffed female heroine in place of the usual, usual, then seek this one out. I thoroughly enjoyed "Ravenhawk". - MERK
kapecki Beautiful southwestern scenery is the only redeeming virtue of this by-the-numbers revenge film. The ecological, pro-Native American theme seems more exploitive veneer than imaginative twist, and the direction lacks suspense or even much of a climax. Acting is dull and unconvincing, though William Atherton is on board to lend his trademarked sneer to the chief villain. There is little more to the plot than "heroine framed for parents murder; heroine kills the real murderers." None of the characters are developed at all, even to the limited extent of an action film. That's too bad, because I was prepared to like this movie, and yes, the scenery was nice.
unbrokenmetal American Indian Shadowfeather (bodybuilding queen Rachel McLish) stops desecration of holy ground by industrial corporation and avenges her family. Similar to Steven Seagal's `On Deadly Ground', `Ravenhawk' is a tough action movie pretending to say something about ecological matters and the rights of minorities. You needn't buy that, but it's tremendous entertainment anyway. Director Pyun always had great landscapes in his movies, I wish I could watch this at the cinema instead of playing a videotape. There are some beautiful shots you won't forget, for example Shadowfeather climbing on the cliff (a tiny human lost on a giant rock), or riding on her horse across the industrial estate (when nature meets technology in stark contrast). Shadowfeather has to face an impressive opponent: William Atherton (`Die Hard 2') plays the bad guy, you'll easily notice that because he wears black and listens to Italian operas instead of country'n'western – now that's what I call suspicious behaviour (just kidding). If you like Norris and Seagal movies, check out Rachel here. She worked hard for it.
castle_rock Spoiler within:This movie happened to be playing on Fox at approximately 3:30 AM. I work third shift, so my sleep schedule is a little messed up. Seeing as how it was on so late/early I didn't expect a gem of a movie. I watched the first 30 minutes and realized, this is NO gem. Here comes the spoiler. After her parents were murdered, they actually convict Rhyia, a 12 year old girl, of committing these murders. Was there no crime scene investigation? I mean, clearly, the father was stabbed by someone completely different! Certainly some fingerprints could have been taken, or perhaps a shred of DNA evidence would have been left behind. Did they even question Rhyia about the crimes? Anyway, besides the first 30 minutes, the rest wasn't any better. It was typical revenge-type cheesiness. If you like horrid one-liners, you're gonna love this!!!-Castle_Rock
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