Random Encounter
Random Encounter
| 18 September 1998 (USA)
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Alicia, a promising young PR executive, goes home with a handsome stranger, only for the pair to be attacked by a woman with a knife. Alicia kills the woman in self-defense, but then finds herself framed for murder. Unraveling the mystery, Alicia finds herself plunged into a web of deceit from which there seems to be no escape.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
sammy105 When I had just seen a few minutes of this, about fifteen minutes into the beginning, I had stuck on and watched the rest, mostly to check if it is in fact Elizabeth Berkley. I had a few doubts, since I now feel she might have gained just a few pounds since "Showgirls". It makes her no less sexy, for sure, but made me wonder. Now, for the review, I could not stop asking the same question: "is this a TV movie or a TV show"? I couldn't settle on it being a typical motion picture because of the blandness of the camera work, lack of a spark in the acting styles, and the same damn music playing at the off times all through the film. Truly, the music did not match the emotions hardly at all, and did not help the movie, period. The only thing that gave this movie a bit of color was the main guy character's talent, the mystery he was able to show with every move and every word. Elizabeth Berkley... well, she has grace, style, height, and the incredible uncommon charm that seemed to get her in the movies in the first place. In Showgirls those were a deadly combination. In Random Encounter, she had to damn near get a makeover to portray the dullness of the office worker she played. Neither did it work nor was she the possibly the right actress for the movie. Unless the director would loosen up a lot and let her smile just ONCE during the film with the killer smile she gave her ride in the beginning of Showgirls. That's what am talking about. That would have flipped the film up-side-down, I tell ya.
pete-293 As thrillers go, "Random Encounter" is fairly routine overall. Numerous holes in the story harm this film the most. Some of the holes leave the viewer wondering what happened. A little better writing would have helped. A few original twists elevate it somewhat. Some decent photography and acting elevate the film even more. Joel Wyner is reasonably convincing as the treacherous Kyle Jones. His main problem is that compared to Elizabeth Berkley he is a shrimp. Elizabeth Berkley is as beautiful as ever and does a nice job as the PR exec Allie Keller. She does look a little young for the character she plays but she is never-the-less convincing. No one should have a problem with her performance. This is a nice film for Elizabeth Berkley fans and also for thriller & suspense enthusiasts but should be of interest to others as well. It is worth the watch and I'd say better than average.
Hermit C-2 You never know what you're going to get when you tune in a thriller late at night on a cable channel. This one turned out to be better than most. Elizabeth Berkley plays a fast-rising PR executive who meets a stranger at a party she's throwing for her company and goes home with him. This action has all sorts of unintended consequences that keep getting worse and worse as the film progresses.This movie passes a couple of big tests for the thriller genre. One is that it stays suspenseful, almost engrossing, all the way through. Another is that you won't spend all your time second-guessing the script, saying "Would he or she really have done that?"--even when you could.Count me out when it comes to Berkley-bashing. This isn't 'Showgirls;' she's very good in her part. It's unfortunate that some people have such a knee-jerk negative reaction to her since she appeared in that other movie and don't judge her on her own merits. It might also be noted here that she gives a convincing and competent performance in 'Random Encounter' without taking her clothes off.
Mike-342 Elizabeth Berkley, I think, is one of Hollywood's brightest talents. I wish this movie wasn't just a made for cable, but a real movie that was released to the theatres. I thought her acting was great, the storyline was cool, and all in all, a cool movie. I really like Elizabeth Berkley, what an amazing actress.