R | 03 February 2016 (USA)
Rams Trailers

In a secluded valley in Iceland, Gummi and Kiddi live side by side, tending to their sheep. Their ancestral sheep-stock is considered one of the country’s best and the two brothers are repeatedly awarded for their prized rams who carry an ancient lineage. Although they share the land and a way of life, Gummi and Kiddi have not spoken to each other in four decades. When a lethal disease suddenly infects Kiddi’s sheep, the entire valley comes under threat. The authorities decide to cull all the animals in the area to contain the outbreak. But Gummi and Kiddi don’t give up so easily – and each brother tries to stave off the disaster in his own fashion: Kiddi by using his rifle and Gummi by using his wits.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
ComedyFan2010 This is I believe the first movie from Iceland that I saw. And it takes one to a very different atmosphere. That of farmers in the cold Icelandic conditions. The setting in the movie is great both with it's beauty and by contributing to the mood of the movie. It is a very depressing and grey movie but it has some special strength and beauty about it.The main actors do an amazing job by doing very realistic acting. One feels like one is really watching farmers living their daily lives and during a crisis. They show their emotions in a very unforced and raw way.The story and how much they need their sheep is an important piece that adds to the characters and the depth of their story. We see the love these men have for the animals and what a big part of their life it is. The ending is a very special scene, it ends in an abrupt way but the story that they were telling us is told to the end without us missing anything.
Ian (Flash Review)Can slaughtering herds of sheep mend a brother's relationship? This film asks that question. Another film that hooked me in with a novel title and a bold image of nothing less than a Ram's head on the cover. (ha) This story revolves around two brothers who haven't spoken for 40 years. They live in an isolated Icelandic valley amongst other sheep herders. Both brothers produce award winning rams as the bloodline of their flocks is ancient and strong. When a terminal disease infects the animals, the village votes to slaughter them all. During this turmoil, events occur and make the brothers interact…for better or worse? This film also has a methodical pace that helps accentuate the vast and emptiness of their land and lives. A good and quiet little drama with dashes of dry humor sprinkled in.
Kate Sas The film is laconic, atmospheric, calm, cold, bright, beautiful, artistic drama about love and hate of two brothers. From the very first second this Icelandic breathtaking cold atmosphere is longing throughout the whole film till the last second. Without any doubts, people who are not used to this type of films, who are not used to spend time looking deeper for protagonists characters, for them it will look a bit slow, as the story line is developing slowly but all the developments are in details, short conversations. Each picture is saying something, as for example as one of the brothers is reading a book next to the Rams what shows how much he loves his animals and spends long time with them. Film almost does not contain close-ups, its always middle shots and wide shots. Especially the views of mountains are amazing. Music is originally written for the film what is the best choice as it fits perfectly the way it is, it makes look picture very deep and emotional. Director has used TV and a radio as a very good tool to show that world lives with global bad news but private life does not touch or interest anybody else. Main characters are absolute opposite. One is calm and quiet but another one is more active with temperament. They have not spoken for 40 years and film does not explain why, but I think that is the idea, they don't know themselves. Director clearly wants to show with this film that these situations are not the best and you should love your family members, as at the end they are the ones who you can trust. It somehow shows that these people are mirroring character of the animal they love. Stubbornness and careless. Any kind of unhappiness always brings something positive. As it happens to the brothers and shows that human being is much more important than anything else. For me personally it was very emotional and open ending just fascinated me. I would recommend this film to people who love unusual stories, dark and deep atmospheric environment and who would just like to think about what is priorities in their life as we all have it different....or the same?
naurimas-1 The film is about cruel life of ram breeders in Iceland. The life is cruel due to coldness of feelings, conflicts over ram breeding and lonelines of existence. The director has shown that lack of communication creates alienation for people of the small village, conflicts for brothers. The following themes are explored: human relationship, the way of solving problems in the family and the sacrifice for your favorite activity. The plot is interesting to watch, though it has been developed slowly. The vast landscapes of the country, windy days are shown. The end of the film is unusual and quite sad. The soundtrack of the film is quite sad and melancholic.