Rage to Kill
Rage to Kill
| 14 September 1988 (USA)
Rage to Kill Trailers

Race-car driver Blaine Striker grows concerned about his younger brother, a student at a medical school on the Caribbean island of St. Heron. General Turner has led a violent coup on this island and may be planning to blow up the school in order to blame the destruction on counterrevolutionaries. Striker infiltrates St. Heron, is captured, stripped to his tighty-whiteys, and electrotortured. He escapes, joins forces with the counterrevolutionaries, and foils a plot to assemble Russian missiles on the island.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
captainmerkin Holy shart, I don't know the name of this movie but it is great and I am only four minutes in. Surprise helicopter, awesome shooting victims, kids getting shot, cool helicopter killing...what an opening! I'll be back with more after... Wow. There's a lot to say but I will try to jist it so I don't give away too much. I did kind of take notes for the first time ever while watching a movie, the first paragraph happened when I paused it to make a snack. Rage to Kill is another student versus military movie...like Red Dawn with the Fame high school instead of the red neck one. There is a lot of action and some down time but even the down time is funny. The conversations don't make a lot of sense and there's a lot of passionate arguments that are ridiculous. The bad guys are infiltrating a school on an island somewhere on Earth. The school is full of white people that speak English and the island is the opposite. The opening scene was the bad guys attacking a rich house party for some reason and that was good fun. There seems to be a lot of different camouflage used by the bad army men, a real budget saver game of who are those guys fighting for? So the bad guys move into their new base area by the school and they take the time to fence off a span of beach with warnings and signage about the mines they are burying. Odd. Then they turn and launch a rocket at two dudes in a damn rowboat, blowing them to, yup...smithereens. I was confused by that entire scene. The bad guys fluctuate between real bad-ass and not able to defeat a group of school students. To be fair the kids have some "banana throwing locals" backing them up with spears and blow-darts. Racism was different in the 80's. Apparently the bad guys are loading up missiles at the old nuclear power plant where the security is awfully lax.("security?"-L. Simpson) This movie has some really great shooting deaths. During one of the shootouts there is a bad guy sitting on the edge of a silo, a giant 40 ft silo, shooting away. The main good guy, skinny Neff Foldbloom shoots him and he falls then he keeps shooting him all the way down. Good stuff Neff. There are a lot of stunty people, jumping when shot, flipping around like idiots and some awesome bigger stunts that don't seem to end right. A guy jumps for a truck and seems to miss but is saved by editing then a jeep flips over and possibly breaks a guys arm. Just some good ol' poorly executed stunts throughout. There is some nudity but it ain't in the sex scene, that baby has all it can handle. To be fair it isn't technically a sex scene 'cause I don't think they actually have sex. They are kneeling through most of it, they flop around a little, lying, then kneeling; it's almost like they are trying to form letters with their bodies. Oh, and they are in about 5 inches of water, kind of dangerous for the one on bottom...maybe that's why they were kneeling the whole time. She takes her shirt off but that's it and you don't really see her boobs as they perform their routine. They never actually do it they just make out and they make an A! How 'bout a W! There is a group of men that I believe are supposed to be the government. One of them has a toupee I think. He looks like a fat Andrew Johnson. They are ignoring the school issue...not sure why...but the school takes charge on their own and captures a bunch of the bad guys and for some reason strip them down to their banana hammocks and dance around. Nip Horn leading the way, I don't know where he fits in the story but he is FABULOUS!. It is a strange scene that had me asked out loud, "what the f#$k is going on?". Still not sure. Okay, wrap it up. There is lots of great overacting, something like the phrase "tell the government go to hell, no tell them happy birthday" was yelled. There is a wicked awkward hot tub scene with the two bad leaders and two women...they are partying in the movie sense of splashing around drunk, getting way to close to the other couple and getting inappropriate with one of the women. It actually looked like she was offended, in real life offended where she probably yelled at him after the scene cut. Maybe he just thought he was acting strong, with a boner. God, there's a lot more but this has to end. Watch this movie. 3 out of 5 slowly repelling army men for this gem.
Frank Markland Before I start my review, I must first of all mention that this is not a B.movie, this is Z-grade film-making at its most ridiculous. Anyway Rage To Kill stars James Ryan (Of Kill and Kill again fame)a tough marine (who doubles as a race-car driver) travels to a South African college (Because we all know that South Africa is known for their ivy league schools) to save his brother from a ruthless general who has just recently overthrown the government, however after an (inept) escape, the marine and the college students join the rebels and payback the ruthless dictator with wholesale slaughter. Rage To Kill is utterly ridiculous in its ineptitude. The action sequences are so poorly conducted that it makes the stuff pioneered on Kung Fu theater seem like Rambo. James Ryan also sports an English accent that indicates a sophisticated intelligence which makes it hard to buy that he could be a killing machine at the same time. Oliver Reed is also on hand and he is positively terrible giving a performance so cheesy that he could be smuggled into a Green Bay Packer football game. Overall Rage To Kill is as awful as what you would expect, I mean anyone looking at the names (James Ryan?) knows what they're in for and Rage To Kill is a thoroughly incompetent Rambo rip off. It's also hilarious to behold and makes one wonder how this got passed up by Mystery Science Theater 3000. I mean this movie is perfect for such a skewering. In fact this, ROTOR and Troll 2 are top three titles that must be seen by MST3K if they're ever back on the air. I give this a full star instead of a half star (My lowest rating) because i'm feeling generous.* out of 4-(Bad)
warlorde Can you say bad acting, ludicrous plot and silly special effects? I couldn't believe the miss-timed explosions and outrageous filming where the good guys can't miss and the bad guys couldn't hit the side of a huge barn in the final battle scene. Anyway if you want a film to avoid, this one is it. Laughable to the max!1 out of 10. And I'm being generous.
dima-12 `Rage to Kill`is an ambivalent B-product attempting to capitalize on the attractive concept of students rebellion after one bloody coup d`etat in a South American country. Some of the action is fine on the level of complete B-movie trash and thus this movie seems to be extremely entertaining on the level of guilty pleasure that is.Kudos to late Oliver Reed who really does impress as menacing dictator.This is an exclusive movie for people who really have the touch for B-movies.