Quiet Cool
Quiet Cool
R | 08 November 1986 (USA)
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This actioner is set in a remote, heavily forested area in Northern California where marijuana growers raise their illegal crops and run whole communities with their terrorist tactics and wealth. The tale centers on the efforts of a fearless New York cop to free one such community from the tyranny of the pot growers. It begins with a surveyor who is leading the town's crooked sheriff to a small marijuana field he has just discovered. The surveyor is killed before he can get there. Joshua, a small boy, sees the execution and tries to get back in time to tell his parents. Unfortunately, the killers murder his family and throw him off a cliff. The boy's aunt, worried at not hearing from her family, gets suspicious and asks an old flame, NY cop Joe Dillon, to investigate. The town sheriff is not pleased by his intrusion and warns him to stay out of it. Dillon disobeys, and that is where all the action comes in.

ScoobyWell Great visuals, story delivers no surprises
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
cultfilmfreaksdotcom A modern Western... SHANE revisited to be exact... where an ex girlfriend calls a roughneck New York City cop for help. Seedy marijuana smugglers run the small town where she lives, and they ain't into munchies.In the beginning of the film we're introduced her family living free in the hills: yuppies without credit cards. The patriarch listens to a bad cover of California DREAMING; life is bliss till a group of marauders slay everyone except the teenage son Joshua.Adam Coleman Howard plays the part with the same rogue prowess as James Remar's urban cop Joe, and he's as just as important to the proceedings, perhaps even more being it's his personal revenge story.Bow and arrow in hand, Joshua becomes a Charles Bronson version of Robin Hood, taking out a few of the thugs, who are different than most pot smoking characters depicted in movies...Usually mellow and free spirited hippies, these daylight tokers are cut-throat and don't take prisoners. Led by a narrow eyed Jared Martin and his stone faced henchman Nick Cassavetes (son of John), the small town belongs to them… Till now.When Joe enters with unassuming machismo, we learn how tough he is when locals cross him. Not like we didn't get a taste for his talent in the big city segments – ten minutes involving a shootout and cool car chase – but here's where he really matters... There's a price to pay for everyone dumb enough to try stopping him: from barroom bullies to gun-wielding thugs. Though his plight isn't an easy one; each scene brings a tougher adversary than the next.The best parts have the city cop and the teen vigilante team up against the baddest of the bad guys. Joshua learns a few fight tactics from Joe while Joe learns the geographical layout from Joshua, providing both equal footing and giving Joe someone to protect that the audience really cares about.Ample searing saxophone mixed with tense synthesizer envelop the woodsy gun battles and fistfights, occurring practically with zero downtime, proving 80 minutes is perfect for the action genre.For More Reviews: www.cultfilmfreaks.com
Comeuppance Reviews Joe Dylanne (Remar) is an NYC cop on the edge who always gets his man. One day, he gets a call from his former girlfriend Katy (Ashbrook), asking for his help. It seems some of her relatives have disappeared and she wants Joe to investigate. He agrees, and he travels to a very, very rural town called Babylon somewhere in the Northwest (the movie doesn't specifically say what state, but it was filmed in California). It turns out that evil marijuana growers and dealers are taking over the town, and Katy's family ran afoul of them. The only survivor was Josh (Adam Coleman Howard). Now the city cop with the bad attitude and the rural survivalist boy must team up in order to get revenge on the baddies, led by Prior (Martin) and Valence (Cassavetes).Quiet Cool is a highly entertaining and solid film that deserves more attention. God bless the 80's, when movies like this were being made by the boatload. The only problem is, the quality was coming so thick and fast back then, it was hard to keep up and a lot of movies that should get more recognition fell through the cracks. That's yet another reason why video stores are so important. Quiet Cool is one of those movies. It's 80's awesomeness through and through, from its sax-drenched soundtrack to its Western-style ending. Remar is perfect as Dylanne, the guy that doesn't go anywhere - ANYWHERE - without his motorcycle. He plays the country mouse/city mouse role but with an edge. He's a law and order kind of guy, but realizes that these villains are ruthless and evil, and this is now the law of the jungle, or at least forest. His conversion to the ways of revenge will have you cheering. Howard as the boy who shows a surprising aptitude for killing people is a worthy foil. Cassavetes as Valence strongly resembles Elvis.It's important to remember that back in the 80's, pot dealing was thought of as a much more serious threat than it is today. Now all the pot stuff you see is played for dumb laughs, so, when viewing Quiet Cool through 21st century eyes, you might say "what's the big deal", but that's incorrect. You have to think back to Nancy Reagan and "Just Say No". Here, the pot dealers are EVIL and that's perfectly valid. In many ways, Quiet Cool resembles The Devastator, but it had the power of the burgeoning New Line behind it, so it just has a more professional look.Naturally, there is a title song, and this one's very impressive. It's rockin', it says the name of the film, and is unbelievably catchy. "Quiet Cool" (the song) by Joe Lamont should have been a huge hit on the charts. Quiet Cool (the movie) has some good violence, and doesn't waste a minute of your time. With a schedule-friendly running time of less than 80 minutes, there's no excuse for not checking out this fine film.for more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
sol1218 **SPOILERS** Beautifully photographed in the Redwood country of Northern California "Quite Cool" has to do with this ruthless gang of pot or marijuana grower who are anything but the peaceful hippie type that were so used to seeing in movies about the subject.Lead by this, what's obviously, Elvis impersonator the unemotional Valance, Nick Cassavetes,this group of pot growers run the entire town of Babylon, pop.163, including the towns police chief Mike Prior, Jared Martin, with an iron hand. Things got a little wild when the young and rosy cheeked Joshua Greer, Adam Coleman Howard, happened to spy on Vanance and his boys gun down an FBI informer who was set up by a member the town's corrupt police.Wanting no witnesses to their crime the Valance gang end up murdering both of Joshua's parents Mr. & Mrs. Greer, Gregory Wagrowski & Pulette Walsh, who were picnicking in the woods. Joshua, the person that Valance & Co. were really after, got away by falling down a 100 foot cliff and almost drowning in the rushing stream below.Getting a collect call from California NYPD undercover cop Joe Dylanne, James Remar, is told by Joshua's sister Kathy, Daphna Ashbrook, who' also Joe's ex-girlfriend to come quick and find her lost brother whom she hasn't seen or heard from in over a week. Joe taking an emergency vacation drives out to Bablyon to get to the bottom of what's going on there. It turns out that Joe ended up getting involved, up to his neck, with the both Valance gang and the real Mr. Big of Valance's operation some dude only known as "The Man".Joe a man of the law is anything but law abiding when it comes to dealing with the bad guys in the movie. Finding Joshua hiding in the woods around Babylon conducting a guerrilla war against the Valance Gang Joe chides him on not letting the law do its work in putting Valance and his boys behind bars. Nice talk on Joe's part but it turns out that he doesn't practice what he preaches. No one in the movie that Joe ends up putting away, for breaking the law, are as much as read their rights. Thay all, with the exception of the either mindless or lobotomized roller skater at the beginning of the film, end up being blown away by Joe & Joshua without as much as a thought of the law being allowed to do its job!The Valance Gang seem to be either stoned out of their heads or just plain brain-dead in how they go about in doing things in the movie. There are times when Valance & Co don't as much as say a word to each other but just move around zombie-like and communicate with each other not by talking but by some kind of telepathy! Joe soon gets the drop on the Valance gang who are so deeply involved in a card game at their pot compound that they don't even notice, after failing a number of times to blow them up, Joe planting a stick on nitroglycerin right under their feet!By the time the movie is almost over we get the big surprise, or better yet non-surprise, in just who both Valance and police chief Prior's boss, the mysterious "The Man", really is. The surprise of "The Man's" true identify is that you forgot that he even existed, he was only mentioned up to that time only once in the entire film, and had no idea just who he was and what he had to do with anything going on in the film!
coverme6 Smoldering character actor James Remar stars in this nifty action movie called QUIET COOL, which can be nicknamed BULLIT ON A MOTORCYCLE. Remar plays a tough New York cop named Joe who travels to the Pacific North West to battle sadistic pot growers. With the help of a revenge-minded nature boy (Adam C. Howard), Joe brings the pot-heads down... hard!