| 10 November 2006 (USA)
Puritan Trailers

Victorian inspired modern day supernatural film noir, set against the backdrop of Whitechapel, mediums and the work of supposed pagan architect Nicholas Hawksmoore.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Steineded How sad is this?
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
peertwo This is a pretty poor film. An overt enthusiasm for poor lighting (no, everything in high contrast red, or black& white isn't clever, its just difficult to watch). A slooooooow script (not a aged wine, but a bottle of gone-off alco-pop) A script that makes no sense. The twist (of which about 3 tolerable ones were discarded for the most inconsistent). Don't waste your money or your time.***SPOILER***He goes back from the past to stop himself falling in love with a beautiful woman, who'll make him rich, but due to his own stupidity, tells himself she's bad and gets him burnt (and still gets the girl, the love and the money !!) If he'd had said, done stand near the caravan he'd have been OK. Oh, and he makes a girl kill her boyfriend and Aleister Crowley think he's a magician (those last bits tagged on to be 'clever').Its "Donnie Darko" / Butterfly effect, but without a coherent script. A real wasted opportunity.
EggFooYung The moment you start watching Puritan you are sucked into a journey of cinematic style and intelligence.Its patient with you and never lets you know too much, just enough to keep you watching and intrigued.Film noir plots are things we are all used to, but the possibility of variations and manipulation in these plot lines are infinite, that is why they are so satisfying and watchable, and these variations are completely fulfilled in Puritan with an assured confidence.I particularly admired the minimalist approach to framing and coverage. Only what is needed is shown and used, a very brave thing to attempt as it could have backfired, but in this case it succeeds in a film that is gratifying in its simplicity.
LippyGirl If you are lucky enough to find this movie go and watch it.I viewed it at frightfest and I think the director said it was coming out in November in the q&a after the film was shown.It is classic film making, adult emotions handled in a truly adult way. It recreates the film noirs of the 30's and 40's which I am a huge fan of, but the subject matter is treated with sensitivity and intelligence.The actors say the lines in a relaxed and simple way, lulling you into the plot, which washes over you gently and then has you completely in its thrall by the end of the third act.Its such a pleasure to see a film made this way again, made in way that its not shouting and screaming to grab your attention, but it simply holds you riveted with its finesse.
revelationfilm Lovely music and beautifully shot. There is some fine acting from David Soul, Geogina Rylance and Nick Moran, who really draw you into their world. The first 15 minutes or so is a bit slow (in my opinion), but well worth sitting through as the plots start to unfold. There are some good surprises and some really great atmospheric moments. (I love a really tense scene in a large manor house - very Hitchcockian !) The film uses a lot of static shots which along with the prevalence of dark moody cinematography give the film its own strong character. There is a love scene which is handled with great sensitivity and the Director builds the tension throughout the film, and in hindsight you see that he has littered the film with clues. I've seen it at festival and believe it is intended for release in 2006 sometime - well worth going to see.