R | 23 December 1992 (USA)
Prototype Trailers

Los Angeles - 2057 - a lawless, war-torn terrain and home to Chandra, a beautiful but deadly young woman, and Hawkiins, a tough ex-soldier whose career was terminated by crippling wounds. No longer lovers, the pair still share erotic and disturbing psychosexual dreams. After a brilliant research scientist experiments on Hawkins, he is dramatically transformed into the Prototype - half-man, half-robotic machine and all-warrior. But, when the experiment gets badly out of control, the deadly Prototype escapes and goes hunting for Chandra, his prime target for elimination. In an explosive climax, the ultimate battle commences to determine whether mankind or machines will survive to rule the Earth.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
aaronmocksing1987 Buwahahahaha...Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, before I begin to review this sh*thole of a movie, I'd like to present with you this fun and amusing little tidbit I found on this website.Phillip J. Roth - the maker of this movie, has a portion of himself on IMDb. I'm almost one hundred and damn percent sure that, after seeing this load of BS on my television screen, either he paid someone to write up his biography, or he did it himself. It begins by explaining, briefly, his humble beginnings and mentions two movies of which I just rented ('borrowed', if you will, since the place I was getting them from sold them for a quarter). "Both of which have amazingly intricate and well-woven time-travel story lines." If by 'well-woven', you mean, have a crippled man jerking off to a VR pornography device (he browses and smiles wide at the thought of necrophelia for a good moment, before wanting to hit up some ugly blond) and characters wandering around aimlessly around Los Angeles 'wanting' to fight a non-existent war against... nothing in particular, then, alright. You go ahead and believe that. Somehow I can't quite imagine a 'future', in which all robots wear codpieces, suspenders, and Darth Vader helmets.It goes on to say he "amazingly" writes, produces, and directs this. Uwe Boll, I believe, does the same thing to his movies. And I guess we can all figure out about his own reputation. If this biography is to believed, maybe they should get into the boxing match! Haha HAAA! "Perhaps this injustice," it explains, about why his movies only go to TV and home video, "is because of apathy of behalf of the 'average film fan' who would rather watch some brainless action than 'truly thought-provoking' cinema.'" Obviously this dumbsh*t didn't watch the better robot movies 'Terminator', 'RoboCop', and 'Bicentennial Man'. I mentioned the last one, because it says he's still working. Roth? If you're listening, stop lying to yourself, and quit Hollywood. Quit making movies. Quit everything, and shoot yourself. 'Prototype X29A' is a fitting title, since the whole thing practically borrows everything from every other movie, and adds strippers for recognition.Notice how his bio was written by 'Anonymous.' Yeah, he totally wrote that. Sorry, chum.
Nick Damian I bought this...I admit...Why? How could I? Was I thinking that this would somehow be in some weird and insane way even somewhat relative to one of the BEST robot/action/science fiction movies ever - Terminator 1,2 and 3? Well it had a cool wasteland location...that is the good points...oh and whoever polished the suit of the prototype did a decent job of wax and polish...they have a great and bright future in car detail.That aside...everybody else's comments on how rightfully and ruthlessly horrible this is are justified.It's not just boring, it's also stupid...which makes it a double whammy.Total waste of time unless you haven't slept for several days like I do from time to time.This was a cure for sleep deprivation.I think that this was produced by had to be. Almsot every scene consists of people smoking...and not just for a cool look...but for need.The future is dreary, dry, desolate...and in the future I will need to smoke's a requirement...well, that and to walk around with an angry scowl on my face.I don't think anybody smiles - even half cased. It's MANDATORY to be consistently angry AND smoke at the same time.There you comments on a truly original film.Oh...was it a real inspiration? That I hopefully die before 2057, so that I don't have to spend all my money on smokes and bad haircuts.Now, I have this piece of art in my film collection. Should I die now or wait till I buy another fantastic motion picture like this?
Scott I am a big movie fan. I VERY rarely fall asleep during movies of any sorts. I find it disrespectful, and an insult to the makers of the movie. This movie falls into the occasion that makes me say "I RARELY fall asleep." I FELL ASLEEP!! Only the second time I have paid for a movie, and fell asleep during it!! What does that say about the movie? NOTHING!! It says nothing about this movie. I was SO tired of watching this movie, that what little of a plot there was to begin with IMMEDIATELY fell apart thirty minutes into this money pit. This movie was induced by, and causes the same thing, boredom. So at least there is SOME thing that links us to the movie. I cannot see this being made with high expectations on the part of the director, producer, cast or computers used in this movie. I could easily see the computers reaching for their self destruct button when the writer typed this script into the computer. Here's the best I could come up with for a plot. I'd give you a better one if I had the courage to watch the movie again:There are these things called Prototypes that were created to destroy a group of renegade robots called Omegas. The movie starts with a so-called Prototype roaming through a wasteland of scrap metal while a bunch of people scramble around trying to shoot it with whatever weapons they have. They are toasted. Thus goes to show, no matter how big a gun you have, someone has a bigger one. The Prototype begins searching for the last remaining Omega he can detect, which is some guy down in a damp dark basement with one computer (get used to dark rooms filled with lots of moisture and lots of smoke. This does not flatter any actor's physical appearances throughout the movie). The guy has what appears to be his young daughter with him, and he tells a servant to take his daughter away. He links up to the computer using a very Matrixy looking plug-in to the back of his neck, and sees the Prototype coming. He just waits in the room and it comes right on in, and kills him. Nothing very flattering about the whole scene, he just kills him. Well, next thing I know (it's all a big blur really) we see some guy sitting in a wheel chair with a mullet (Ugghh...) named Hawkins, smoking in a dark, damp room. Some kid with a bow and arrow comes in begging for something called a processor, and this Hawkins guy gives it to him, even though he says that the little kid's sister TOLD him not to give it to him. He gave it to him, even though the girl he obsesses over told him not to. This guy really needs to get a life.Next we see some lady walking into this dark, dank room with a backpack on, looking a lot like Lara Croft... that is, if you ever wanted to see Lara Croft extremely sweaty. She talks with this guy (totally unintelligible) and begins tapping away at a computer (*Yawn*) Let me let you know as a bit of a side note, this movie has some of the worst music to date. It's played at the audibility level of about one decibel and it's horrible. I actually think this movie could have been saved if they had put good music... no, great music into it, due to the lack of dialogue this movie seems to provide us with.Now, we take a total change in the movie, and half way through it, decide to introduce new, relatively important characters. All we see of them though, is when someone tries to take some of their stuff, and the bigger guy snaps all three of the guy's necks. And with about five people scattered about him no less! I guess in the future, murder isn't as big of a crime as it is today. Oh, another side note about the movie. This movie depicts the future as having LOTS of old people. I'd say there is about a 4:1 old person, young person ratio. Example: The apartment building the Hawkins guy lives in is run by an old priest who constantly wants to kill the young kid with his gun. And sitting on the apartment's lounge couch are two old people, one of which has died, it's just that nobody seemed to notice.The next scene I remember is probably the most important scene of the movie. It starts with two guys endlessly playing rock/paper/scissors. What does that say about the future? Pretty bleak, eh? Afterwards, it pans to Chandra (we soon find out she's the guy's daughter from the beginning of the movie, as if we really care at this point) and she's prostituting herself to four men at the same time. I mean, COME ON!! This is terrible. But you know what? You know what? Here comes the best part about the future... GUYS SHARE CONDOMS!!!! ARRRGGHHH!!!!!! KILL ME NOW!!!! All that happens after this doesn't matter, except that the sweaty Lara Croft makes an offer to Hawkins to let him walk again, so he goes into this thing where they transform his body into the shell of an old Prototype, and he walks around again. But it scares Chandra because she doesn't recognize him for obvious reasons and so she tries to shoot him. All the while Hawkins inside the Prototype, is trying to suppress urges to kill Chandra, because it turns out she is the last Omega... Da da daaaaa!!! But, he doesn't do it. Then that guy who kills people for touching his stuff comes in, nearly kicks Hawkins' butt, but Chandra stops him, so Hawkins kills him (What tha?) and then Hawkins pulls off his helmet, walks outside while the barely audible music plays, and slumps to the ground, dead I guess. By this time, I was pulling out my hair, looking for the explanation someone owes me for making this movie.All in all, this movie was well worth the $2.50 I spent to buy it. My obsession with bad movies was looking for pain and anguish, and I guess I found it in the form of Prototype x29a. Now, it's off to the incinerator to add some new fuel, in the form of Prototype x29a, to the fire!! Wow, looking back on all I wrote, who knew that someone could write this much about this bad of a movie! Good day Gentlemen...
hibiscus-5 I can say without reservation that this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I was mesmerized in a certain way by the inane and nonsensical plot, the wooden acting, and the boring action sequences. To fully understand what happened in this film you would probably have to watch it more than once, which would be absolutely unbearable. If you really feel like seeing a bad movie, and not just a somewhat less than good movie, this is the one for you.
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