Primal Force
Primal Force
NR | 06 May 1999 (USA)
Primal Force Trailers

Rescuers try to reach plane crash victims that are trapped on an isolated Mexican island populated by mutant baboons. Ron Perlman stars as a troubled guide hired to lead the mission.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Aliens2Alien80 88882222 Primal Force is a 1999 straight to video hidden gem. Yes Primal Force is a bad movie but here is why I love it. First I treasured the times this would come on the old Syfy channel and it was a big part of my child hood. Secondly I think that the actors know this is a silly movie,I think the director knows this is a silly movie, but they have fun with it and that is what really matters. I think the special EFx are energetic and reminiscent of a time long gone. Of course the film is very silly and not for people who want to see a serious flick, this is very much a Saturday night B movie. See this flick (if you can find it) if you like cheesy B movies with some class. Skip it if you hate cheesy B movies about killer animals. 8/10
organised Primal Force gave me as much laughter as any comedy I can remember in recent years. It was so bad throughout, it was almost good and I HAD to watch it again to make sure I wasn't just imagining it. There is always scope for a cliché low budget sci-fi/horror/action film to go wrong. If Primal Force was to be compared to meal, it would have to be 'Cheesy Chips'. Students will know what I am talking about.Much has already been said about the wastage of Ron Perlman's talents on this movie, how badly made it is, how stupid the plot is, how low budget it is, how bad the effects are, how unconvincing the killer mutant baboons are, etc, etc. And all that is true in my opinion.However, if what you want is a low budget b-movie that's as tacky as fondue and makes you laugh out loud, then this is just your cup of tea. I feel there is something to like about genre films like this. Primal Force promised to be really bad right from the start and for me it delivered the goods and I was entertained as well as amused.For all it's flaws, short-comings, it's lashings of cheesy clichés and predictable outcomes, I really enjoyed myself. The mutant killer primates are hilarious. And, then there's the mad professor who's totally lost the plot. His experiment has gone pear-shaped with disastrous consequences. Inspired stuff. Such a volume of laughter gives me a sense of warmth and well-being. So I thank everyone who conspired to create Primal Force for that!
fallingdownstairs A incredibly innovative film tackling those issues that the major studios are afraid to discuss. An amazingly low budget film, the fact that the guy from hellboy was in it was the only thing that kept me from reaching the remote. A poor decision.This film is as painfully predictable as it is financially restricted, with the director apparently unsure as to whether to plunge all of his cash into buying quality monkey suits for his actors/stuntmen or hiring real monkeys from the zoo. There is literally no good dialogue whatsoever. Written, shot and edited like a bad episode of "goosebumps" this is a film whose studpidity is only equalled by the ineptiude of all those unfortunate/ignorant people involved in the production of this turgid piece of action/adventure fun. So, to summarise: Rookie Explorer: "How many (killer baboons) do you think are in there?" Grizzled, been there- killed it- got the tshirt Veteran: "1 or 2 less than a million" (referring to a cave which looks to be big enough to hold maybe 10 crazed apes at the most) Cut To Next Scene; the cave has somehow morphed into a sandy bunker populated by a strange mix of confused looking baboons and desperate for work actors. They are all then killed having failed to realise that attacking one at a time isn't a great long term strategy. etc....This film is what "Lost" will hopefully turn into.
Helen Chavez Not bad for a TV movie, but - well, could have been a whole lot better, both script and direction-wise. The baboons weren't that convincing either. (Trying to be kind, here ...)Its one saving grace was a fine, well-observed performance by Ron Perlman as the nightmare-ridden guide, Frank Brodie. Always a delight to watch, he brought much-needed gravitas to an otherwise run-of-the-mill film. Haunted, grouchy and cynical, he shone in a cast that was generally lack-lustre.Great star - shame about the movie.