Prehistoric Park
Prehistoric Park
| 22 July 2006 (USA)
Prehistoric Park Trailers

A BBC miniseries about Nigel Marvin's quest to bring the extinct dinosaurs through time to Prehistoric Park.

ada the leading man is my tpye
Nonureva Really Surprised!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
tomcomer-41751 My kids absolutely adored this movie! They couldn't stop watching it! I remember them walking around town like they were pretending to be t-rexes! I was absolutely embarrassed but was it worth it? Dang right it is! How did this not receive the award it got nominated for
adixon-567-203586 I guess it contains some useful info about dinosaurs, but seriously this idiot would be dead within 2 minutes of going back in time. Do you seriously think anyone with half a brain would take a plastic dinghy down a croc infested river (many times the size of todays croc's) and survive. Does anyone really believe they would then be able to catch one of these monsters with a few wooden poles and some rope. Not to mention walking through the forest unarmed and by yourself, and then stating Im really worried about this particular dinosaur as we have already seen a couple and they hunt in packs, obviously not to worried or you might take a few precautions. Then we have the park itself were the fences are all made of wood which most of the dinosaurs present would break in half without even trying. Then we have the ridiculous case of this 50 odd year old guy and one of his workers of the same age outrunning a T Rex over a few hundred metres. Seriously they wouldn't have got more then a few metres. Then to top it off in many cases they only bring one animal of a species back, didn't anyone explain the birds and the bees to this guy. This is only basically one episode I've talked about but I imagine the other 5 are much the same. This program is absolute crap, they should have just don't a documentary on all the prehistoric animals instead of this rubbish.
TheLittleSongbird Yes it is rather silly, but it does have a great concept. I was not expecting another Walking With Dinosaurs, which is one of the best documentaries I have ever watched in my life, but Preehistoric Park is a lot of fun. I really like David Jason, and while he has done better, he does a good job as narrator. Nigel Marvin is also really entertaining, he is very likable and clearly has a lot of enthusiasm for this. As well as being introduced to these wonderful dinosaurs, the special effects I thought were mind blowing, the T Rex especially was exceptionally well done. I also really liked the music. Overall, Prehistoric Park was silly but my sister and I learnt quite a lot and loved it all the same. 8/10 Bethany Cox
ozbear I haven't seen the Bugs episode yet, which I am looking forward too but so far my reaction is mixed. The CGI effects vary greatly in quality, e.g., the Wolly Mammoth was actually pretty good, while the saber-toothed tigers were so-so, and the T-Rex was, well, just another T-Rex. What I don't care for is the lack of logic. If one can make multiple trips back, to various epochs, why always turn up when just a few of whatever you are looking to preserve are still alive? It is nice that some attempt is made to actually tell a story and add some emotion, such as with the saber-tooth cubs, but during some episodes a fast-forward button helps to bypass long tracks of not too much happening. I will give an acting award to the park veterinarian. When she is speaking about how well a given beast is doing in recovery you really do get the feeling that she is talking about a real animal. Overall I am giving it a middle score. Good for kids, and something you can talk with them about after the show is over, but probably won't have great interest holding potential for the majority of adults.