Power Play
Power Play
| 01 February 2002 (USA)
Power Play Trailers

An investigative reporter links the deaths of three people to a high profile corporation, while scientists working on their privately funded research project are forced to look beyond their work and face realitytheir experiments may be the cause of a series of killer earthquakes. The corporation will stop at nothing to keep this secret from becoming public.

AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
suchenwi This fast-paced, over-the-top comic-book-styled film seems to be rather unpopular here. I watched it last night, didn't know what to think of it, read all the user comments, still wasn't sure.So I re-watched it this Sunday morning, and guess what? I started to like it! Unlike the first time's puzzlement, I felt joyful anticipation for the more remarkable scenes (just brief hints: gas station, cemetery, sushi place, baseball bat...) The "stock footage" taken from Dante's Peak (which I haven't seen yet) was of course impressive, the home-made disaster scenes less so.Being a big fan of Clint Eastwood, I of course welcomed his daughter Alison. Not earthshaking, but a nice face to look at, and at times I tried to find family similarities. The face I liked most was Sara's neighbor's. Oh, and the lobby security man..But the baddies were best! Dangerous yet incompetent brutes one can love to hate, up to the CEO. Also interesting that this film is mostly Brazilian (check the end titles), with possibly just a 2nd unit for LA location shots.I won't watch this film again today or tomorrow, but certainly at a later time. Imperfect and silly as it is (take just the mysterious "laser" which in effect is a UV lamp), it has endeared me already :^) As to mindless violence: yes, there is plenty (reminding me of Lasse Spang Olsen, or Takashi Miike). There is no real moral, and, as Matt says in the end, there isn't even a story here. Still, I had my fun, and will again.
superschott While channel surfing, we found this movie with its promising synopsis. We were dismayed at the flat acting, and formulaic storyline. We found amusing the exploding car scenes, unbelievable shoot outs, and sets that crash down with the weight of tyro-foam and cardboard. What was even more hilarious was seeing all the recycled scenes from "Dante's Peak", where the church front falls on the school bus, the store fronts break away from the main street, the overpass collapsing, and the red truck speeding down the alley way as the bricks fall down on it. It was a good laugh although unintended, and leaves the viewer wondering if it was not originally intended as a low budget spoof of disaster films.
garnetharvey I am so surprised by how much I enjoyed this film. The story was intriguing, realistic and completely relevant to the ecological issues we are dealing with today. The special effects and action sequences were exceptional for a low budget film. I loved the destruction of the LA freeways-Amazing! The acting was impressive. Tobin Bell and Brixton Karnes performances were brilliant, cunning and slimy. The supporting cast definitely made the film fun and enjoyable especially in contrast to the expressionless Dylan Walsh and Allison Eastwood's bland acting styles and total lack of chemistry. Overall, well written, great story, Fantastic Ending and a Fun movie to watch.
joe_bobbriggs My one line summary should explain it all, but I'll have a go at it.From the get-go, this movie seemed like an overdone soap opera, and that's about all I can comment on. There were a few interesting scenes, such as the "Big one" that hit during the middle of the movie, but, wait, what's that? The earthquake *gasp*, wait a minute! That's Dante's Peak! Well, parts of it butchered and slapped in. I can't believe how poorly this movie was done, "borrowing" scenes from other, much better films. One wonders what director thought that viewers are dumb enough to believe large wooded mountain-esque backdrops exist in downtown LA, ala Dante's Peak.My advise, forget the Bond Wanna-be, Nash, in this film and go for the real thing (again, someone from Dante's Peak coincidentally.)