PG-13 | 27 October 1995 (USA)
Powder Trailers

Harassed by classmates who won't accept his shocking appearance, a shy young man known as "Powder" struggles to fit in. But the cruel taunts stop when Powder displays a mysterious power that allows him to do incredible things. This phenomenon changes the lives of all those around him in ways they never could have imagined.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
benmeijereft About: Prejudice, isolation of the unique and different, and all sorts of effects of the human condition come out. Highly inspirational.For an emotionally mature audience. If you want fast paced action, please skip. No covering up by flashy CGI. Real acting.Storyline: Powder is the name given to an albino kid named Jeremy Reed. The story of the strange case of Powder unfolds naturally, artfully. And what a story it is.What if? What if there was somebody who was more advanced intellectually and emotionally sensitive than all of us? The movie Powder helps you imagine what that would be like, and what we would run into. Powder shows us the best and the worst of our humanity, our limitations and our potential. And it does so beautifully, with appropriate drama. Questions about the meaning of life. It has a strong believable spiritual dimension without any fluff or bullshit. It shows the depth of compassion, and the shallowness of fear.Cast The acting is exquisite, very believable. Sean Patrick Flanery powerful performance of the tender and awkward Powder. Mary Steenburgen plays the social worker that finds him. Jeff Goldblum's character says "when technology surpasses our humanity". Upon seeing the movie a second time, the power of the music to move you and me becomes more obvious. Subtle, gentle, moving.Partly in the line of The Green Mile, a story about strongly evolved human empathetic qualities.For those who like to be stimulated to think and wonder about a possible future, and the shadow side of your collective fears, an absolute must see. This is not an SF movie, but like good SF, it asks the pertinent questions and it makes you think.
Lawrence Engelbrecht I recently watched Powder and thought it was a deeply moving and thought provoking film. I really enjoyed the theme of energy being continuous and how the film portrays people and the manner in which they think translates itself into the energy they give off and ultimately the very way they act. I thought the film had a real honesty about it as throughout the film Powder sees people for who they really are and thus allows us to see these people in the same light. While watching the film, there were 2 scenes however that i did find quite unusual. I will talk about them shortly. After watching the film I then logged onto IMDb to rate the film a 9 for what i thought was a beautiful and original film. It was then that i came across the fact that the director had been convicted of child molestation and served time for it. My perception of the film suddenly changed. Suddenly, i did not view the film as beautiful and honest. I now thought that perhaps the director made a film to create his own fantasy - a film about a complex, genius and misunderstood young man which the world will not accept who just need to be loved and accepted for who he is. The 1st scene that surprised me was the one where Jeff Goldblum connects with the the boy and strokes his face and head. Thinking about this now, the actions of the teacher might to some seem good-natured, however the actions are also wrapped with a tinge of sinisterness. It makes us wonder about Goldblum's character as he gives the impression that he may want to use or manipulate the boy. The 2nd scene that i questioned was where Powder is caught staring at a boy rinsing himself off in front of the mirror. The other boys see this and jump to the conclusion that Powder is not only strange but also homosexual. The film wants us to believe that Powder was staring in this fashion because he sees the long flowing hair that he does not have and realizes how different he is. I would argue that the way the scene is shot does not lend to this assumption as Powder really stares for a long time and someone of his intellect should know better to stare at a half-naked boy only covered by a towel. I felt compelled to write a review because i find it interesting that my perception of the film changed drastically the second i found out that the director was gay and had molested a young boy. Maybe it is unfair of me to change my perception of the film because of this fact and probably my perception of the film should not be influenced by this fact. But it is what it is and that's what i really find interesting about this film. Is it wrong for my perception of the film to be changed just because the director has a history of child molestation?
mijk-181-485922 May contain spoiler.This film is in my top 10 all-time favourites (more likely top 5), I watch it at least 5 or 6 times a year. A lot of films can touch you depending on your mood at the time. This one can touch you no matter what your mood. It's storyline is unbelievably powerful, with a deeper meaning than may be obvious on first viewing.Jeremy is different, innocent, powerful, spiritual. Classified by the bullies as a 'freak show'. I think there is a little bit of Jeremy in each of us, but most of us will never know it.Sean Patrick Flannery who plays Jeremy, played the part superbly. The emotion, the pity, the anger at the Deputy for shooting the deer, the sorrow.. every part of Jeremy's character was played so well, it's as if it was a true story. The music score.. very simple style, and each time a score was played, it was not only perfect for the scene, it also brought out the goosebumps. The music doesn't change a lot, but there is no need. The main theme.. my word, it is just amazing.. makes your heart skip a beat, makes you smile, happy, sad and all sorts of emotions at the same time.All in all.. you need this film in your life.
requiempoet This movie is wonderful, heartwrenching...beautiful and sad. I had been obsessing over wanting to see this movie for quite awhile. I saw it when I was little, and recently wanted to see it again, so I bought it off of Amazon Prime and watched it with a lump in my throat wanting to cry. I felt so bad for Jeremy. He desperately wanted to fit in, to not want to be stared at to not want to be different..., and I think everyone can can relate to that.I kind of wish the movie was a bit longer however I think that it would have dragged on if it were. The soundtrack was a bit repetitive, ( Sarah Brightman's " No one like you ") but enjoyable. I think if you need a feel good movie watch "Powder" but bring the tissues!