| 13 March 2015 (USA)
Posthumous Trailers

After false reports of his demise put him and his work on the map, an artist decides to continue the charade by posing as his own brother. Soon, a reporter enters his life and has a profound effect on him.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Emerenciano Ok, it's a romantic comedy and we shouldn't expect much of it. But, come on, there are so many clichés and it is so far from real life that it is difficult to follow this. There are some good sentences and Huston and Marlin are good actors. But the whole thing is completely dischargable.
olympicator A disgruntled, unsuccessful artist named Liam Price half-destroys his own artwork one night in the basement of an art showroom, after seeing that a set of works by a lesser artist has been put on display instead of his own pieces. Liam walks home drunk, falls asleep in a tunnel, and his things are stolen by a look-alike hobo who then dies that night. Liam is presumed to be dead.You can see where this is going. "Posthumous" is a predictable but cute movie, sort of like "Rocky" meets "Lust for Life." It has very little substance, but the actors are clearly enjoying themselves, and it is refreshing to see a movie that at least attempts to say something about art without brooding and displaying abject suffering for ninety minutes nonstop.I say "attempts," because I think that in the long run the movie has nearly nothing to say about art. It is about a man who likes to express himself in art but is not sure if anyone is listening. He meets McKenzie Grain, a lovely and intelligent journalist (played by the wonderful Brit Marling), and finds that she is fascinated by the "dead" Liam's artwork; and so Liam poses as his own brother, telling journalist about himself and trying to describe how important it is to be true to oneself. He sees through her misplaced ambitions about being a reporter; and she begins to see through his supposed indifference to the world.This movie takes place in Berlin; but I did not get a strong sense of setting. One of the first ideas put forth in this movie is an environmental issue, that of "the bees." Bees are dying, and this is a bad thing because we depend upon bees to pollinate our food supply. This is brought up perhaps one more time in the entire movie. What is the relevance? Is Liam trying to illustrate to us, through his art, that we need to allow things to "pollinate" our world? That we must accept and embrace the little things in life, so that we can grow and prosper? This is a movie about being in the right place at the right time, and being able to accept the struggle and bleakness and death around you, because those terrible things are what make us who we are. I think the art of this movie could have played a larger role to display that idea; but the relationship of Liam and McKenzie manages to illustrate that premise in a way that is charming and touching.
Alfredo Ramirez I decided to watch this film immediately I saw that Brit Marling acts in it, and certainly, I wasn't disappointed. In this movie the breathtaking beauty of this actress can be tested again, as it was in "Another Earth" or in "The East". And it's not only her gorgeous face what captivated my sight, also her performance took me into the deepest emotional side of my mind, not for crying, of course, but honestly, in every time I've seen her acting, I felt in love of her character. This film lets the viewer not only to have a nice romantic moment, such as anyone can get in any classical movie from Hollywood. Instead, its value is due to the topics that are treated on it; to be with someone that loves you is not enough, he or she has to be your biggest fan. To have someone to be with is amazing, but also its desirable if that person makes you explore your most creative parts of yourself. What would anyone prefer, happiness or greatness? If the most recognized artists' lives are read, you can find out that they weren't happy.
emlohary I loved this movie. I think that it is very under rated. I loved the characters. Jack Houston as Liam and Brit Marling as McKenzie were complex and great together. I loved Jack Houston as a leading man. I found that i wanted to watch it again as soon as it was over. It is a simple romantic story, but not predictable. It is not the most original story. A tortured artist. A reporter personally involved in the story. But it didn't feel old. It felt new. I liked the pace at which this story was told. It allowed me to fall in love with both characters. I loved the music in this movie. It matched the feeling and the vibe perfectly. I have not seen either of these actors before, but i will be looking for them both now. Overall, i just thought it was very well done.