Post Impact
Post Impact
R | 12 June 2004 (USA)
Post Impact Trailers

Meteor Bay-Leder 7 struck earth on October 18th, 2012. Causing earthquakes, tidal waves, and a dust cloud that soon covered most of the Northern hemisphere, it changed the face of our planet forever.

ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
cloach For science fiction content, this is the best sci-fi movie. This is a real world solution to meteorites. Hit them with a microwave beam to cause out-gassing which causes the meteorite to redirect its path. This what science fiction should be about one scenario and one technology. Untried technology has awry results. Meteorites lead to ice ages.The CGI looks like CGI. Nice female presence who get to some "acting" on scene even if its a little forced. To people who think cold is bad, for items- cold keeps equipment in excellent condition- keeps humidity right down and decay e.g. Lawson's Hut has survived 50 years. Freezing temperatures are only bad for animals and plants and some metals if stressed.
L_Miller (as they were known before their spell checker stopped working).Don't understand the venom here. The movie isn't great, but it isn't terrible either; don't know the preferences of the other reviewers but I would watch movies like this before crap like Hostel or another remake of a 70s movie that wasn't that good the first time.Post-Impact is a mid-Europe production crew making a movie with an interesting premise; a comet strike renders northern Europe uninhabitable. After a rescue mission is destroyed by a microwave satellite controlled from the impact zone, a team moves in to discover the truth. The source is found, and it turns out not everyone on the team is working with the same agenda.Yes, there are Euro-accents all over the place, the equipment is wrong, wrong, wrong (the .22 inserts on the M16s, and, well, pretty much everything about the military and government aspects). Sometimes it sounds like Hanz und Franz from SNL wrote and directed an action movie. But it's a interesting premise, Dean Cain hits the marks and says the lines and it brings an interesting setting into your living room. Some characters have good turns.No, it's not great. Nevertheless, I find SciFi (no, I'm not going to write Syfy, because I am not Hooked on Phonics) movies more interesting than 99% of the crap and recycled garbage that comes out of the big entertainment houses these days.No, really. No matter how bad the acting, how laughable the special effects, SciFi movies nearly always have a gem (sometimes a very tiny gem) in there, a premise or a characters or a setting which transcends the Robert McKee/focus-group fueled McMovies. Yes, you have to reach pretty deep into some of those things to pull out the diamond but it's nearly always there, and it's there in Post-Impact. Look for it.
Jsulich2001 When I saw the title, I thought "oh cool, a movie about attempting to survive the end of the world." I tried to ignore the poor reviews. I tried to ignore the fact that the impact occurred within the first 10 minutes, with no character or plot development. But it's only 20 minutes in and I want to gouge my eyes and ears out. I'm sure it's not the fault of the actors and actresses in the movie. This script is just horrible. Where is the character background? Where is the the setting? Where is the plot? Why do the overly emo former army captain and the overly aggressive army colonel hate each other? I take back what I said before about the actors and actresses as well. SOME of them are okay. The rest just plain suck. I wasted 20 minutes on this movie. I'm not wasting another hour and forty minutes.
talltanbarbie Did you ever read "Time of the Great Freeze" by Robert Silverberg or go see "Damnation Alley?" If so, then you've seen this film before--only this time, it's a post Tunguska-like comet impact instead of World War III and no giant cockroaches this time. Dean Cain and a husky named "Sasquatch" lead a team through Ice Age Europe to rescue lost scientists trapped in Berlin in Landmaster-like vehicles. A B-movie science fiction film with all of the associated trappings. Not too bad digital special effects.Turn off your brain and enjoy, then go get "Damnation Alley" for a (slightly) better performance.