Portrait of an Unknown Woman
Portrait of an Unknown Woman
| 26 August 1954 (USA)
Portrait of an Unknown Woman Trailers

Keller, a painter, while at the ballet is impressed with the beauty of Nicole and sketches her head on the body of a nude model. When it is shown, it causes embarrassment to Nicole's husband, Walter, a diplomat whose career is threatened.

Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
jandewitt Warm and cosy, 'Bildnis einer Unbekannten' wrapped its audiences in an eiderdown of romantic fiction while keeping them awake with a tremor of suspense. And even if the viewers were aware of being manipulated by scenario contrivances, they sat goggled-eyed, wondering what would happen next to the heroine, beautiful Ruth Leuwerik. The whole production looked luscious and Helmut Kaeutner's clever handling avoided any over-sentimental pitfall. He kept a tight control over the maudlin material, and sended the flamboyant doing in constant motion.Miss Leuwerik, who seemed to have fully understood the character of the lonely woman, wears gorgeous gowns, and brings some calm into the often lurid going-ons. The film's main weakness is a highly mannered, almost grotesquely attitudinizing O.W. Fischer, tearing his scenes to tatters.The film recouped every Mark of its high cost, and then some.