G | 14 August 2009 (USA)

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When Sosuke, a young boy who lives on a clifftop overlooking the sea, rescues a stranded goldfish named Ponyo, he discovers more than he bargained for. Ponyo is a curious, energetic young creature who yearns to be human, but even as she causes chaos around the house, her father, a powerful sorcerer, schemes to return Ponyo to the sea.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
afmalhabsyi I dont know.. everything in the movie was just satisfy me!
elicopperman 10 years ago to this day, Studio Ghibli released Ponyo, one of the last films from the acclaimed Hayao Miyazaki. While not quite praised as much as the likes of Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, or even Castle in the Sky, it's still looked favorably like many other Miyazaki films for its cute charm, likable characters, and all around sweet representation of friendship. Even if this film is aimed more towards children, there's certainly much to admire if you're a fan of animation in general.The basic storyline revolves around a goldfish named Ponyo, who befriends a five-year-old human boy named Sosuke, and desires to become human herself. At its core, Ponyo is about genuine love, not just between Ponyo and Sosuke, but also within the bond between Sosuke and his mother Lisa, mainly for how adorable and heartwarming they are. Where Lisa is clearly trying her darnedest to raise her boy the best she can despite living on a sea house, Ponyo just wants to be human like others, and her interactions between the two are simply hysterical. It's very hard not to fall in love with the titular character, especially when she becomes very playful and full of emotions.As for other story aspects, without spoiling too much, let's just say that Ponyo causes a freak accident in her father's underwater chambers that causes the moon to come closer to the earth, causing it to lose the proper balance. In spite of all that though, nobody in the whole movie becomes too devastated, as they all casually accept the bizarre like in most Miyazaki films. There's a certain calmness to some of the characters, especially in contrast to Ponyo's father Fujimoto who is responsible for said experiments gone haywire, since he himself never wanted those potions to go into the wrong hands. The one way to bring balance back is for Fujimoto and Granmamare (Ponyo's mother) to test Sosuke's love for Ponyo, and they couldn't have picked a better boy for that job. The two's friendship blossoms at an unbelievable delight, as even when Ponyo ends up using magic, at no point does Sosuke become too obsessed with her powers and is instead just amazed by the girl/fish thing as a whole. A moment where Ponyo, while still as a fish, eats ham from Sosuke's sandwich becomes a pivotal arch for the two. It's also great how the film teaches that trying to be a magical creature and a human simultaneously doesn't work out well, as you must choose one side to live a better life.As usual for a Studio Ghibli film, the animation is richly defined and gorgeous to look at, with the same lovable Miyazaki character designs and some impressively crafted effects and backgrounds. The biggest highlights are from the ocean, whether it'd be the potions that cause a gravitational pull from the moon going out of control, or the multiple varieties of undersea creatures that come as a result. Whenever the characters are either underneath or above the ocean, it really feels like they're there, as water has never looked this good in hand-drawn animation before. In addition, the transition of Ponyo from fish to human transitions at a smooth and creative pace without looking jarring, further adding to the film's whimsicality.While it may not rank on the same level of high sophistication of other Studio Ghibli films, Ponyo is just an all around light hearted tale of friendship and care that will delight children of all ages, and even adults. There's something so earnest about this film's sentimental tone compared to some other children's films, as it knows the right amount of sweetness to add without becoming too saccharine. If you have a child of your own, definitely make this film worth their while; they'll thank you in the long run. Out of all the films that have been inspired by Hans Christian Anderson's The Little Mermaid, this has to be the most unique one of all.
Raven-1969 Moonlight shimmers on an ancient sea and a curious little girl, Ponyo, escapes from under the watchful eye of her father and into the open ocean. She is a sea princess gifted with the ability to, among other things, shapeshift between fish and human forms. Yet at such a young age Ponyo does not understand her power. She gets too close to humans and to trouble, perhaps of her own doing. In opening her heart to a boy, Ponyo simultaneously opens a hole in the fabric of reality. The world hangs in the balance. This animated Studio Ghibli film is richly detailed, colorful, optimistic and imaginative. Despite outward appearances, the characters are incredibly intricate and wonderfully unpredictable. They surprise and delight at every turn. Miyazaki has such a good grasp of human nature, drawing and story-telling, and his work is thrilling to behold in all its forms. The artwork is incredible, such beauty even in grains of wood, clouds, stars, waves, light in eyes, the movement of grass in wind, and more.I was not fond of the film when I first saw it years ago. It seemed childish and simplistic, but I did not give it a chance. I skimmed past or outright missed the wonders, which are revealed with patience and understanding. Since Ponyo is not as long or ornate as other Ghibli films, it is easily overlooked by certain people (ahem, cough, cough). For a better experience, listen to it in Japanese.
Eric Stevenson It's been way too long since I've seen a Miyazaki film. It's a shame that his films don't do near the box office reception of something like that awful Yu-Gi-Oh movie. Of course, this is still the highest grossing of his films. I truly believe this is close to "Spirited Away" as one of his best works. I guess it's because the animation is just so wonderful. I mean, it really seems like every moment of this film there is movement involved. There's a slight change in the outlines of all the characters.I had no idea this was inspired by "The Little Mermaid". It certainly seems nothing like the Disney movie. I personally don't find that one of my favorite Disney films and I find this much better. The voice work is fantastic. I'm generally not into celebrity voice actors but they make it work so well here. This film might be his most adorable. I guess it's just great to see Ponyo's miniature sisters swimming around everywhere.The plot is that there's this fish that escapes from her underwater home and meets a boy named Sosuke (yep, that reminds me of Sasuke from Naruto), making her want to become human. Every character is just teeming with cuteness. I especially love how realistic all the underwater creatures are. I think my favorite part might just be the first six minutes without dialogue as we see how well detailed they are. This really is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Not only is the pacing wonderful, but it's great to see a lot of the more mundane scenes like Sosuke's mother getting through her day. It shows that as strange as any animated film may be, it does in fact work hard to be realistic.This is only my third Miyazaki film, but already you can call me a fan. It even seemed like he was trying to imitate western animation more here. Ponyo as a fish and her sisters look a lot less like his normal style. It's always great to experiment with something new, especially for someone as great as him. Even every bit of the credits is adorable.I wish this guy would work for Pokemon! Hey, it's my first IMDb review! This is easily a 10/10!
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