Point of Terror
Point of Terror
R | 01 October 1971 (USA)
Point of Terror Trailers

A nightclub singer has nightmares about being involved in adultery and murder, only to wake up and find that they may not be nightmares.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Mr_Ectoplasma Tony Trelos is a club singer at a seaside bar. Wanting more out of his career, he is approached by a woman on a beach who owns a record label with her crippled husband. Tony's involvement and exploits with her are more dangerous than he's aware of, however, as she's guilty of a murder, and capable of another.The second piece of celluloid sleaze that Peter Carpenter wrote and starred in after the atmospheric (and underrated) "Blood Mania," "Point of Terror" is a significantly less thrilling picture—far more talky and significantly less moody. It also seems to be cribbing elements of "Blood Mania" in a lot of ways, as it follows borderline identical plot arcs that have been minutely tweaked: Man becomes involved with wealthy woman. Woman is unstable and a murderess. Family member enters the picture and complicates matters further. Same formula, different canvas. The film is peppered with some of the most ridiculously "seventies" musical numbers you'll ever see, and also boasts a significant amount of skin from a buxom Dyanne Thorne and the hunky Carpenter. There is a nice doubled-over twist at the end of the film that is clever but rather cheap, and the general impression I got after it was over was that Carpenter seemed to have wanted to do-over "Blood Mania," but this time invoke as much of Jess Franco's "Succubus" as he could.All in all, "Point of Terror" is a middling thriller that, while mildly amusing, is more or less a rehash of Carpenter's prior (and better) film. It is, like "Blood Mania," relatively well-shot, but it lacks the performances and moodiness that made the former so watchable. For a piece of grindhouse sleaze, "Point of Terror" is watchable, but it's lacking both in spirit and inventiveness. 5/10.
mark.waltz The point of terror is now in the middle of my brain, a senseless migraine as a result of 50 minutes of occasional yelling and screaming between two different couples; one man a pop singer in tight pants and a red fringe cape, and an older, apparently rich man in a wheel chair with a harpy wife who somehow ends up with the singer, leaving his own wife. At least that's how I saw it in this mess of a sexual thriller that attempts to throw in some supernatural nonsense involving demons either in dreams or in the film's supposed reality. I don't know. I was too frustrated to care. This just never grabs the opportunities for a believable, conceivable story, and just gave me a reason to toss out this DVD that was a part of the Millcreek "Pure Terror" collection. Perhaps the acid trip survivors of the early '70's got it, but the only thing I got was ripped off. Peter carpenter survives with his dignity, if not his pants, on, but the acting by the blonde bimbo harpies is something that makes Patty Duke's braying in "Valley of the Dolls" seem calm in comparison. Their acting is even more bellowing than some of the early John Waters films which are at least fun watching. This was just hideous from the opening scene.
dbborroughs Time has not been kind to this over long not very good thriller. I think time has erased any and all good will that the filmmakers had, which considering how dull boring and jaw droppingly awful this film can be wasn't much to begin with. The basic plot has a lounge singer (at the local Lobster House) having dreams of murder and adultery. Actually its a dream that seems to be coming true. This is one of those hip and happening films that was made in the late sixties and early seventies that was made by a bunch of people who didn't know what hip and happening was. they were the sort of people that were into Plastics, like in the Graduate. I can't see this film ever connecting with an audience. The musical sequences have to be seen to be believed, certainly the opening jumpsuit piece deserves to be more than enough proof that some people should never be allowed to dance. Recommended only for insomniacs and those wishing to atone for some past wrong.
callanvass This movie is downright terrible, however it does have some entertainment value, and it never bored me. Still that does not mean it's a good movie in fact it's god awful, with laughable acting,and an amusing, but confusing ending. I got this on another 8 movie 2 horror disc set. The Chemistry between all of the actors is lousy,but however as i said never once did it bother me, with it's terrible,but amusing dialog, an interesting but stupid story, and laughable acting all around, it made it at times fun to watch. The Direction is awful. Alex Nicol, does a terrible job here, with no neat camera tricks what so ever, only good thing about it was the pace was solid. There is hardly any blood at all, except a few bloody stabbings, and a bloody fall victim (ATF). The Acting is god awful, but amusing at times. Peter Carpenter gives a lousy but amusing performance here, he has charisma, and was likable, but his performance is terrible, and the script does not help matters much,still i liked him, he had a lot of charisma. Dyanne Thorne, is extremely laughable, she's decent looking, but her performance is god awful, and she cracked me up in a lot of scenes. Lory Hansen, is also decent looking, but her performance is rather terrible as well, and she had no chemistry with Peter Carpenter. Paula Mitchell, is laughable and unconvincing as well. Leslie Simms, is annoying here, with laughable dialog, like "i know my Chickie" and her laughable performance as a drunk. Joel Martson, is okay, as the jealous husband. Overall not recommended, however do check it out, if your looking for some laughs. *1/2 out of 5