Point Last Seen
Point Last Seen
| 24 November 1998 (USA)
Point Last Seen Trailers

Fact-based story about a tracker who searches for a little girl who was lost in the desert, but suffers internally because her own children were kidnapped by her ex-husband.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
GazerRise Fantastic!
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Tony_J61 Realism seems to have been lost early into this movie. Why would any law enforcement service ever send a traumatised person into the field to find a child, when her own children are missing? Therapy? I doubt it. This movie wasn't bright enough.Hamilton's hang dog look (Same as Terminator movie) was bad enough, but her endless droning had me muting the TV. Does she really need to narrate every movie she appears in? Sorry folks, but this viewer was lost in the first half hour. Sending two rookies out to hunt for the missing child, only to have them disappear 20 minutes later was beyond belief, considering the gravity of the situation.Give it a miss and watch the 'Sound of Music'!
PeachHamBeach I don't know what rock some of these reviewers are crawling out from under to post their anti-TV movie reviews with their oh-so-carefully chosen and mind-bogglingly intelligent descriptions "no adrenaline rushes" "it sucked". Without bothering to truly elaborate on WHY they thought it was an inferior work. Obviously they didn't WATCH the movie or they can't focus their meager attention spans on anything without orange fireball explosions or video game CGI.I saw this movie today and it is one of the best nailbiters I've seen in a long time. I have never seen Linda Hamilton turn in such a raw and emotionally wrenching acting performance, especially as her character becomes more and more exhausted with the multiple emotional burdens that have been placed on her.She plays Rachel, an expert tracker who finds missing hikers and campers for a living in the desert. A 9 year old girl has disappeared from a campsite, and it is a race against time to find her before she dies of exposure or thirst or is killed by a animal or even human predator.As Rachel follows the spoor of the missing child, you learn through flashbacks that Rachel's own children are presently missing, stolen by Rachel's menacing husband Kevin, who abused Rachel and the children throughout their marriage. The man is portrayed realistically, a hideously cruel monster underneath a charming and handsome exterior.This movie is PROOF that the cliché "TV movies all suck" is totally false. I know there are some really god-awful TV movies out there, but it is a tiring (I'll say it again) Cliché when people bad-mouth a movie just because it was made for TV. There is a frick-load of blow-hard theatrical movies out there as well, but these silly reviewers probably love those exact kind of movies...yup.For the record this is one "TV movie" that deserves praise.
pmertz1405 This was a good movie. Linda Hamilton played her part very well, but then she normally does. I liked that she played a part where she showed how very vulnerable she is to people missing, by her own loss of her children. Having someone kidnap your children would be awful, but knowing what the cruelty and abuse they are suffering at the hands of someone they should be able to trust is worse. I am a big fan of Linda Hamilton and have most of the movies she has been in. I am looking for this movie in particular. If anyone has a copy of this movie that they would like to sell or knows where I can purchase a copy please let me know.Thank you, Pmertz1405
MovieAddict2016 Boring can most aptly describe this drama of sorts that follows Linda Hamilton as she preaches about why men are bad (her kids are taken from her abusive husband and she "learns" from this). It's also quite corny, with bad voice-over monologues that are the sort of unnecessary, lazy techniques that Robert McKee preaches about.Some work and some don't. This doesn't.Hamilton has admittedly purposely done these made-for-TV movies because she wants to stray away from Hollywood. She has succeeded - and they suck.
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