Please Teach Me English
Please Teach Me English
NR | 16 April 2004 (USA)
Please Teach Me English Trailers

Young Ju is forced to take English classes after failing to assist a foreigner at her government office. At English class she develops feelings for classmate Moon Su, but he might not feel the same way.

Cortechba Overrated
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
fistamamanbush The posted review is seems to be the only negative one. The film is sweet, fun, often funny, and well worth an afternoon's or evening's viewing. The movie is about a mousy public official who needs to take English in case any foreigners come into her office. There she meets the man of her dreams, unfortunately the guy is a cad and seems interested only in fancy girls. This is compounded by the fact that their English teacher is an attractive woman. This all leads to lots of wacky encounters, typical Korean misunderstandings, and love. The leads are sweet and play off each other very well. There's a sub plot about a daughter given up for adoption coming back to Korea to meet her family, and these subplots are often superfluous but it works well here. The lead actress is utterly goofy and adorable. The rest of the cast is great as well. All in all, a fun sweet movie that will leave you will a smile on your face!
djd58 I almost passed on this movie since it appeared too quirky for my tastes, a romantic comedy about a class of South Korean students and its Australian English teacher. Well, I was right about the quirky part, but I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. This is a fairly straightforward romantic comedy made exceptional by the performances of the two leads, Na-yeong Lee and Hyuk Jang. Lee plays Yeong-ju, a relatively shy, awkward woman, who immediately falls in love with the young "player", Jang's Moon-su. Yeong-ju tries to win his love through every means possible, from asking outright to teaching a pig English. She is borderline psychotic and she would be considered a stalker in the US, but she's so funny and adorable you want her to win anyway. I must admit, it was also fun watching Lee, a very beautiful actress, turn herself into a clumsy mouse-of-a-girl.The subplot is touching: Moon-su is trying to learn English so he can translate conversations between his mother and his sister, Victoria, who has lived in the United States since she was given up for adoption. Mun-he Na plays Moon-su's mother and also gives an endearing, heartfelt performance. The only discordant note in the entire movie is the young actress playing Victoria, who clearly cannot act, but her poor performance only made me realize how good the other's were.There is also some witty use of animation in some scenes that cleverly supports the story without threatening to overshadow it. A possible exception is the Mortal Kombat parody that does goes on for a bit but it is pretty funny nevertheless, and it occurs early enough in the film so that it fades to the background by the two-thirds mark.As an aside, I have no idea what the picture on the cover of the DVD is portraying as it bears no relationship to the movie itself. Don't attempt to judge the movie by that picture.
satsu_jin_sha i completely disagree with the posted review i usually give people the benefit of the doubt but this movie is quite funny and i think the usage of different movie mediums (ie animation, documentary)added a very cute yet thoughtful comedic value. It is a romantic comedy and not much should be weighed upon the realism but there are some pleasant real life twists and communicational misunderstandings and misinterpretations that give the movie a nice personal relevance. Also the underlying theme of the importance of people worldwide learning English as a necessity is mind opening.Especially how it is presented. The movie Isn't very serious or artsy which makes the point of people having trouble worldwide with being forced to learn English that much easier to witness for those of us who grew up in a place where English is the native language. I definitely recommend this film for fun and definitely for anyone who has the experience of being forced to learn English.
d2army This movie tries very hard to insert comedic elements at rather awkward moments throughout its duration, and the end result is intermittent success but a general failure.The movie is especially slow in the beginning and attempts to solicit cheap laughs.However, one of the strangest issues here is how Moon-su and Young-ju got together. Maybe it is just me, I personally felt that it looked kind of forced, and that Moon-su was dating Young-ju out of sympathy, since for most of the movie, Young-ju is portrayed very effectively as the an obnoxious and foppish coquette. Considering Moon-su's personality in the film as being generous and sincere, I guess that has to be the only reason why he started to date her.Above all, this movie definitely ranks about down there with films like Crazy First Love.Sung-su Kim should really stay in the serious-movie genre