Playing with Dolls: Bloodlust
Playing with Dolls: Bloodlust
| 21 January 2016 (USA)
Playing with Dolls: Bloodlust Trailers

Stina a single mother has fallen on hard times. When she has hit rock bottom she is offered a job on a reality horror show, with the promise of a million dollars to the winner. The group of contestants are taken to the deep woods where they must fight to be the last man/woman not caught by the slasher. Unbeknownst to the contestants the slasher is not an actor. They have just started a game that may be their last.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Aryana Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
jtimmccormick-05352 This was an okay B-horror movie until the end. There was no END. There was a STOP. The action just stopped in the middle of the climactic scene! So, this movie is a huge piece of crap, and no one should invest ANY of their valuable time on it!!!
Platypuschow Playing With Dolls (2015) was pretty bad, starring Richard Tyson and telling the story of a psycho intentionally released from psychiatric care by an unscrupulous group who wanted to make a business out his murders.The killer looked great but the film itself was a bit of a mess.This sequel is essentially the same. Richard Tyson: Check Great looking killer: Check Crappy film: Check This one however was en-route to being better, it has its moments but dies a death in the closing moments and the reason is quite astonishing.The final showdown is taking place, our main protagonist is battling the villain were about halfway through the fight and *Drumroll* the credits begin. That's right, the movie has no ending. It's like the editor forgot to add the finale and it's left laying on the editing floor.I'm not going to say its a great shame, even with a decent ending this would hardly be a good film but the fact the movie was released in this state shocks me beyond words.The Good: Killer still looks badass The Bad: Cast are pretty damn badKills are weak Where is the ending? Things I Learnt From This Movie:Boobs are to the killer as crucifix's are to vampires
vengeance20 After the first film left a pretty shitty taste in my mouth, I didn't think there would be even so much as a hint of there being a sequel! How wrong was IWas in Morrison's one day in the DVD isle last month in January, new year means new releases & me being a horror guru always have to check out the DVD isle & came across I didn't know this was what the film was title as...Playing With Dolls: Bloodlust, I saw & bought a film as Leatherface, apparently in our country, the UK it's titled differently with a ripoff like title! Hell the first was so bad I'm surprised they didn't use this technique all over & have it on here as Leatherface! Jesus! Any thing to get a pound out of people! I knew the killer on the cover looked somewhat similar, but I bought it anyway. It was only until then, from closer inspection, from the cast & crew that I realised that this was the sequel, from Googling to a strong inkling, though I horrifyingly thought for a split second that I had purchased the same film, I got rid of Playing With Dolls in Cex, but fortunately this wasn't, though I was apprehensive & almost sorry I got rid of the other as I had a feeling this one might continue on, though I didn't think right I was!The film was flat out crap! Aside from the honey bun actress, Natasha Blastick! The film was boring & had no gory action the first one had! Hell the blood effects were either crap, or too small in use amounts it was terrible. There's no group of friend, nor any proper premise. There's no real set up or anything here, it just seems badly slapped together & lacking in action. There was no continuation of the story-line, nor any connection with the first film, I also felt this one lacked badly in deaths & action. The first even done well at this & even setting the film up, it was a hell of a lot better than this, the ending to the first was out right rude!!The ending to this one however, wasn't so bad, but I was still horrified by it & how I had so many unanswered questions! It simply left me feeling cheated! I was hoping this one would be better & end better, seeing as how the first was a real let down in the ending factor! It was basically unfinished! While this lacked & had a pretty inconclusive ending!Nice job with them trying to pull the wool over my eyes with that title, I would've thought twice before buying this,. though I would've anyway to see but it's simply chump change in comparison to how much they spent making this trollop!The irony here is the film had the story & semi OK ending, which I would much preferred in the first, yet the first film had the action, gore & story but lacked the ending! So you can see what I'm getting at here! If the first had a more complete ending or at least the ending the second one did, then I'd of kept it. But this film lacked & makes watching it on a free website seem justifiable. 2/10 Really not as good as the first, though the first was crap too, ending wise so it's hard to say which is worse...!
OccamsBarber I do believe this is the first review I have ever made on IMDb. As I know next to nothing about what goes into making a film I usually stick to the comments and leave the reviewing to people how do know something of the art.But...I watch a lot of movies. And I watch a lot of bad movies. I like, and on occasion love, bad movies. So believe me this film has almost nothing to recommend it on any level.In it's favour I will say it didn't look overly cheap as far as the filming went. It looked better than you would expect given the rest of its shortcomings.Also in terms of bad movie positives it contains a scene with what is the worst delivered monologue I have ever seen. Monologue isn't quite the right word but it is the only lines this character has and to call the delivery wooden would be sparkling praise. ALMOST worth seeing for that.The two women might be considered attractive to some and one with generic brand implants is naked for a short scene and the other nude for half a second. That might be a plus for those without the internet.Beyond that it is not good enough or bad enough to be worth watching. Just bleh. And to top it all off they appear to have run out of money and just ended the movie at a random point.Admittedly this seems to be part of a series. Maybe, somehow, my opinion would be altered if I had seen it/them. With luck I will never be bored enough to find out.Reading a review like this I would probably be egged on to see for myself. Please just think that I was moved, for the first time, to say DON'T.