Pit Fighter
Pit Fighter
R | 06 July 2005 (USA)
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Jack Severino has no memory, all he knows is the brutal sport of Pit Fighting. When his past catches him up, he realizes he is not who he thought he was. For some men must fight for redemption.

SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Comeuppance Reviews "Pit Fighter" is a gritty and bloody action movie.Jack (Dominiquie Vandenberg) wakes from a coma after a bullet was put into his brain. All he wants is revenge. But first he needs to climb up the ranks of a corrupt system and that means he has to fight.If you want realistic and well-choreographed fights this is the movie for you. Every move is bone-crunching. One guy gets his eye knocked out! Vandenberg puts in a gruff performance as the anti-hero. Steven Bauer plays his friend and manager. Bauer is always good and he has some interesting lines like: "Well, you ever wanna know what God thinks about money, you look at those to whom he gives it to." The movie is fast-paced and well-directed. Jesse Johnson put a lot of energy and effort into this and it paid off.The climax is amazing in its scope. Jack fights everybody with only a sword and his fists."Pit Fighter" is a hidden gem that's worth uncovering.For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
larryyates222 I've read the negative comments on this film and agree that there are some things that could have been done to make the movie better. However, Mr. Johnson has made a really good film considering the budget he had to work with. As a recording artist I am well aware of the difference that a big budget makes.The fight scenes were very well done. Dominique Vandenberg is an awesome fighter and looks the part. It's good to see a fight film without the special effects used in today's martial arts movies. A refreshing return to the days when martial artist were only dependent on their own physical skills. Mr. Vandenberg is certainly one to watch for in the future.Steven Bauer and Stephen Graham are great actors and added a lot to this movie. Mr Graham's part was small but so well done. He is one of those great actors that makes it look easy, so natural.From my point of view, Steven Bauer was the star of this film. His character was the thread that tied the story together. Another fine actor that makes the work look easy. Fernando Carrillo is another one to watch for in the future. He is very charismatic.For those of you who are into violence, this film is violent. There are some scenes that are over the top with rage. And there is a lot of killing going on.The theme of a bad guy trying to make up for his past is a good twist.
movieman_kev Jack (Dominique Vandenberg) gets amnesia after a bullet in the head almost kills him. Five years later, still haunted by dreams and visions of a woman he loved in his previous life even while attempting to stay the top pit fighter, his past catches up to him. However he might not like what he remembers. Writer/Director Jesse Johnson made a film that looked significantly better then his meager budget would suggest. The fights are pretty brutal and well choreographed. The story while not the most original one is serviceable enough and while this is the sole film that I've seen or heard of Dominique Vandenberg, I can already tell that a more interesting actor to watch then, say, Don "the Dragon' Wilson. Now on to hunting down Vandenberg's "The Honorable" which I've heard great things about. the film is not without a few flaws, but I found it entertaining even if the ending comes across as more than a tad bit silly. Oh and Steven Bauer's the best he's been since "Gleaming the Cube" in this one.My Grade: B-Eye Candy: Adult film actor, Aspen Stevens, gets topless as well as shows her ass
Job This movie is hilarious, not in good way. The fights are awfully bad done, while sometimes they will try to shock you by breaking some bones, and even this happens only two or three times, definitely not enough to call it a shockmovie. A gunfight means a hero can walk into an open field with 10 people shooting at him with uzi's, pick up a gun, start shooting back and not get hurt. The story empty, guy waking up, lost his memory, starts fighting cos that's what he's good at. Five years later memories come back, takes revenge blablabla. Not worth your buck, not really worth your time unless you're drunk and bored.
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