Pigeons on the Roof
Pigeons on the Roof
| 26 May 2011 (USA)
Pigeons on the Roof Trailers

Youssef's falafel are the bestseller. Unfortunately, his small snack bar on Berliner Sonnenallee lacks the required splash guard. The meticulous Peggy of the Public Order Office knows no mercy: The desperate Lebanese has to close the shop, but then the unlikely happens: The shy official falls in love with the spirited Orientals. In this episodic big city comedy, the elementary particles of love collide. Katja Riemann and Olli Dittrich prove their incredible versatility in ten different roles

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Izzy Adkins The movie is surprisingly subdued in its pacing, its characterizations, and its go-for-broke sensibilities.
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "Die Relativitätstheorie der Liebe" or "Pigeons on the Roof" is a German 95-minute movie from 2011, so this one had its 5th anniversary last year. It is probably the most known as well as most recent work by writer and director Otto Alexander Jahrreiss and the former probably has to do with Olli Dittrich and Katja Riemann being the two core actors here. As for me, my perception of this duo could hardly be any more different. i love Dittrich in almost everything he is in while I cannot stand Riemann at all usually and find her very overrated. So it will definitely depend on your liking of these two in order to determine how much you will end up liking this film. Dittrich plays several characters in here and so does Riemann and the one thing that unites them is always love, sometimes more, sometimes less. It is basically 4-5 short films packed into one movie and I personally found the connections not too convincing. Another negative aspect was probably that the editing felt really rocky at times and the jumps between the couples were kinda tough to watch on more than just a few occasions. But yeah as somebody who likes Dittrich a lot, it was still a rewarding watch and I also felt that Riemann was not as bad in here as she usually is, even if she fails in hitting the right notes too at times and becomes too gimmicky, but that's a problem she frequently has in her career. Of course, your perception and personal preferences/experiences alone will decide how much you like the individual parts. I personally liked the one with the immigrant who wants a restaurant and the health inspection agency worker the most I guess. Dittrich really shines there for example with his constant asking for tea. One can make a point that sometimes it is costumes over craft (acting) here and they may be correct, but this film still has several enjoyable moments, even if I would say it is kinda difficult to take it seriously as anything other than a comedy. Overall, the film is not on the very strong level as the Dittrich/Engelke collaboration "Blind Date" that also could have been put together as a pretty long movie because of the deficits I mentioned, but nonetheless if you like Riemann and/or Dittrich as much as I do, then it is certainly worth checking out. I give this project a cautious thumbs-up. Oh yeah, the title could have been better too.