Pieces of Dreams
Pieces of Dreams
PG-13 | 23 September 1970 (USA)
Pieces of Dreams Trailers

A young priest questions his faith after he falls in love with a social worker.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
edwagreen A most appropriate song vocalized by the late Peggy Lee is perfect for this 1970 film which tells the tale of a conflicted priest.The acting is first rate by leads Robert Forster and others.As Father Lind, Forster, a good looking man, seemed to have been destined to enter the priesthood. This is all good until he meets the social worker of a youth in his parish, the latter was drawn into a robbery and subsequently shot to death by a police officer.It's quite obvious what shall ensue, but it is very well done. The film shows the human frailties in all of us, including the older head of the parish who comes home one evening quite inebriated.This is an interesting story of values and ethics and the relationship of the church and the individual.
moonspinner55 William E. Barrett's novel "The Wine and the Music" turned into trite Problem Solving movie of today (circa 1970). A young priest in Albuquerque is burdened with housewives who want to go on the Pill and teenagers who want to drop acid--but who is he to give holy advice when a pretty social worker has him contemplating his vows? Simple-minded drama, romanticizing then-current issues, has not a wisp of wit. The tinkly background score by Michel Legrand (and the Oscar-nominated title song co-written by Legrand with Alan & Marilyn Bergman) seems to belong to a different picture altogether, while Robert Forster (speaking in a laconic monotone) broods sexily, like a caged cat. Overall production (including a romantic montage at the lake and in the snow) is in the style of a cigarette advertisement. *1/2 from ****
jzydek This is one of the corniest movies I have ever seen. The two leads are decent actors, but please my nerves, could it be any more predictable or full of lousy cliches? It's not just that it's dated, it's just that it was a bad movie when it first came out in 1970 -- I remember it. I disliked it then and can't believe I watched it again. ICK!
John Seal Pieces of Dreams plays like an afterschool special writ large or an overambitious TV movie of the week. Robert Forster is the hip young priest in Alburquerque, Lauren Hutton the attractive young social worker, and together they make beautiful if decidedly profane music. Forster tries to balance his love for Hutton with his love for the Church, but must come to terms with his pledge of celibacy (a rule that the Monsignor, played by Will Geer, confidently predicts will soon be changed or eliminated!). The film tries to be honest and earnest but is predictable every step of the way, complete with happy ending and cloying theme song. There's even a acid head in granny glasses waiting to be saved by Forster. Overall, a relatively painless but not terribly inspiring 90 minutes.