Phantom Town
Phantom Town
PG | 16 February 1999 (USA)
Phantom Town Trailers

When a sixteen year-old boy and his two young siblings set off on a quest to find their missing parents, their search leads them to a ghost town in the middle of the desert. They soon discover that this is no ordinary tourist spot. In fact, according to the maps, it doesn't exist at all! Finding their way into this mysterious place, the kids must confront the sinister force that dwells beneath it in order to rescue their parents - and save themselves.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Leofwine_draca PHANTOM TOWN is a straight-to-video kid's horror movie, shot by Charles Band's Full Moon Pictures studio in Romania. The story is set in the Wild West, where some kids hunting for their missing parents end up in the titular location, full of creepy old cowboys possessed by some kind of green alien goo. What's impressive about this film isn't the slightly nonsensical story or the cheesy scripting, but the film's relatively good staging on what might have been a tiny budget. The sets are good enough to bring a little atmosphere to the proceedings, and the larger-than-life villains are quite memorable.
Dalton Kennedy "Phantom Town" was a great movie. I've had the VHS for a couple years but never watched it until now. It was great! The acting was good, the storyline was good, the ending was good. I give it a 9/10. I strongly suggest you watch this movie soon. They really need to put it on DVD now. :) The story begins when a sixteen year old boy and his two siblings hear that their parents are missing, with the only thing they know being that they had went to a town called Long Hand. SO the children go to rescue their parents. What they don't know about Long Hand is that everyone there are zombie-like creatures trying to take the children's souls. You really need to watch this movie right away.
super marauder This is one of those movies I rented because it sounded good by the description on the tape case, but after I watched it....well I just don't know. I try not to bash a movie for what it is not, so here is the problem. If it was trying to cash in on the Friday the 13th, or the Nightmare on Elm Street series, I hate it. But, if the idea behind it was to give kids under thirteen a scary movie, then it was pretty good. The plot was interesting, and the special effects were a little cheesy, so little kids won't be grossed out. Something else too, I do like the idea of the kids rescuing the parents for a change. Love it, or hate, one could say it at least little kids might enjoy it, but if you as an adult want so see a good shocker, don't get this one.
Stevex66 When I watched this movie it was an afternoon after I got home from work. I love horror movies and have seen some really cheesy ones, but this takes the cake. The plot presented to the viewer in the beginning of the movie seems a little intriguing, but as the movie progresses the script makes a wrong turn with horrible cliches and bad presentation, which in turn makes the movie completely dull and boring. I don't mean to keep criticizing the script and plot, because believe me that is not the worst part. I have to say as a whole the acting was not terrible for beginning actors, and I was impressed with Taylor Locke, this being one of his first movies. The worst part of the movie was the special effects. They reeked of low budget, and really ruined the viewers entertainment, even if he had been remotely interested in the plot. I do recommend you watch this movie to understand the power of a bad script and plot. Only then can you really appreciate good writers and directors.