PG-13 | 09 May 2014 (USA)
Persecuted Trailers

Nationally acclaimed evangelist John Luther is the last obstacle in the way of sweeping religious reform in the States. When a U.S. Senator and Luther's own supporters abduct and frame him in the murder of an innocent teenage girl, an unprecedented era of persecution is unleashed. Out on personal recognizance, Luther escapes police surveillance in search of the truth. And suddenly, a once-normal life is targeted by a team of ex-military operatives who wage a relentless campaign to eliminate the incriminating evidence. As evangelist turned fugitive, Luther vows to expose anyone involved with or profiting from the girl's murder; a mission that brings him face-to-face with the coming storm of persecution that will threaten the entire Christian community in America.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Micitype Pretty Good
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Grastermane Forte So full disclosure I am an atheist who went to see this to know how Christians perceive that they are being persecuted in America or are being persecuted in other nations, I got nothing of the sort. So what did I get? I don't know.So our protagonist is a Christian presumably Catholic as you find rather late in the film living in what I can only assume is an alternate history America wherein the only difference is that this bill attacking his faith would not be utterly unconstitutional, said bill would attack his faith by mandating all religions give all other religions speaking time at their place of worship. If you are even passingly familiar with US law you will note this is highly illegal and even if it wasn't it appears 90% of America is Christian in this film and this would also attack other religions in the same way so they would not pass it nor would I as an atheist, I can think of literally no one who would approve of this bill at all. So he oppose this as anyone wold but in this world he is presumably the only one and thus is framed by the entire government from the Police to the Secret Service for murder, a murder that even our protagonist questions if he actually committed. Then in a very broken story he gets acquitted and gives a speech at the White House who never actually stopped pushing this bill but still let him talk because... well the film never says. So what about this speech? Not in the movie, it just cuts to black.Pros? Well i did not feel like I was being preached to... so that is good. On that note it also feels like this is not even a pro Christian film, just a bad action film and for some reason the factions are Christian guy V Government that is insane.Cons? I hated all of the protagonists and antagonist in this film alike, this film has no message, to many plot holes to count, and even by the standards of Star Wars this film is utterly unrealistic.
Mark-87-156759 This movie began with a great premise. The USA has a rich Christian heritage. Religious freedom in the formation of our Republic has created a nation that is greater than 75% Christian in a pluralistic society. A Senator proposes a vague Religion Bill that will place all religions under the Federal Government, and a popular evangelist opposes the bill, and he is set up.However, that is it! The lighting is poor, the story line is disconnected, and the evangelist is a terrible role model.If you want to see a movie that shows Christian persecution on the university campus, go see God's Not Dead."Persecuted" just doesn't cut it!
craig-416-624467 I thought the movie was well done and reflects the undercurrents that are negative to the founding principals America. Persecuted has all the elements of the fallen attributes of man. Provoking to get the viewers to have to choose the way, truth and ultimately the eternal disposition of their own souls. The viewers must choose, not to choose is a choice on where you stand on matters of eternity. I would highly recommend people going and keeping an Open mind and you will understand how our apathy is destroying America! The time to act is now! a great president once said "there is no left or right only up or down" . The tyranny in America is accelerating so fast this true movie could be considered a prophecy of things to come very soon. All parts was well acted.
djfone This one's gonna compete with "God's Not Dead" and "America: Imagine the World Without Her" for a Razzie in the God 'n Country Division.I'm amused how the lead character is described as "The last obstacle to sweeping religious reform in America...". In other words, a theocracy in which everybody's a Christian. How could there be anything else in This Great Christian Nation?All you really need to know about this film is (1) Glenn Beck was a silent financial backer, according to Christy Lemire of; and (2) respected character actors like Bruce Davison and James Remar must have been hungry and broke with winter coming on to take these roles.This storyline, in capable hands, could have made for a really good movie. This ain't it, not by a long shot, though the "Duck Dynasty" crowd will love it.At least I'll give it this: "Persecuted" had more laughs than "Sex Tape": One.