Perfect Strangers
Perfect Strangers
| 11 February 2016 (USA)
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During a dinner, a group of friends decide to share whatever message or phone call they will receive during the evening, with unforeseen consequences.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
shady_ramzy I really loved the entire film, the acting, the writing and the directing all were great !! Six years back I've watched a documentary film after which I ended up a passionate wildlife photographer and filmmaker. I'm not sure but Perfect Strangers may be the drive to try fiction films as a career !
sof_ah Excellent plot. Tension is high all along the film. With simple resources it succeeds to have an extraordinary story-line and keeps the audience constantly alert and there are belly laugh moments. The end: best of all. It shows the ugly truth of our lives in a humorously tone and it is very realistic. In two words: IT ROCKS!
Luka Kraljevic Perfetti sconosciuti or Perfect Strangers is about a group of friends that are having a nice, random dinner until a quite unpleasant and intriguing game comes to someone's mind. The game gets more and more interesting as the time goes by because they are starting to wonder if they know who their friends (and partners) really are.The concept of the movie is so simple and makes it easy to watch and follow the plot. What I actually liked most is that you start thinking how much of yourself is there to reveal and how much could you be able to reveal to someone you have allegedly known your whole life. The truth is that people get anxious when you start browsing their mobile phones or computers without their control. Even if they maybe don't hide anything, they always believe there is a chance that something doubtful or too personal could be found. But we generally don't think about it because it is wrong for someone to stick his nose in our personal data shelter.Anyway, the whole point is well interpreted throughout the movie. I started to wonder how bad that game could go. Combined with a likable Italian humor, this movie guarantees a perfect movie night. Just hope that people with whom you are watching it don't get similar ideas!
Bidesh Das This is one of the outstanding movies of 2016. How smartphones/social media has captured our life. And how stranger are we to each other is all about the movie. How 7 friends meet for a dinner. And the imaginary game took out everything from their life. How perfectly the knew each other come out loud and clear in the movie.Loved this film. Shot in a apartment the film will be remembered just like The Terminal. The gay friend, the cheating husband, the secret chatting wife, the wife in relation with ex-bf all become naked by keeping their smartphone open for all. The father daughter conversation is so touching.I can watch this again and again. A masterpiece.
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