| 18 February 2005 (USA)
Peacock Trailers

Brings viewers into a small Chinese city and inspires familiarity with the rhythms of everyday existence, with people's dreams, shortcomings and illusions in a way that is universal.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
lnp3 Set in 1976 in some unidentified midsize city, "Peacock" tells the story of three young adult members of the Gao family trying to make their way in post-Cultural Revolution China. This is very much a fleeting moment in time when Chinese society is still marked by the austerity of the Maoist era and when foundational beliefs in communism have all but vanished--soon to be replaced by consumerism.Structured as a kind of trilogy that puts each child successively into the foreground, it begins with the tale of Weihong (Zhang Jingchu), the daughter and youngest child. Returning home one day on her bicycle, she experiences an almost mystical encounter with a group of male and female paratroopers parachuting into a nearby field. When the parachute strings of the squad leader, a handsome man with a Beijing accent (as the subtitle indicates), gets tangled in her handle-bars, she resolves at that moment to become a paratrooper herself. That decision has more to do with the romance of the uniform, an attraction to the squad leader and the esthetics of the blue silk parachute than it does with the legend of the Red Army. Furthermore, the Beijing accent has a certain cachet for Weihong, which for denizens of her city must have the same class connotations that an Oxbridge accent has for somebody living in the East End of London.After the Red Army rejects her application, she carries a torch both for the handsome squad leader and the numinous parachute. At home she sews together her own parachute, attaches it to the back of her bike like a kite and rides through the streets until unceremoniously crashing into another bike. While she lies semiconscious on the street, an admirer, whom she has rejected in the past, takes the parachute hostage. He will only release it after she has had sex with him in a nearby forest. In this film, love--like all other ideals--comes in short supply.full:
sisuallen I am 21 year old now, although I don't belong to the time in which the story of Peacock happened, I am a Chinese anyway and I know it would take place in those years and I feel glad and of course proud that someone has put it on screen at last.We are living in this world, sometimes without a clear purpose: study,work,date and love, not realizing that what we are doing now is called living because life has a magic to obsess its victims with trifles so that they seldom notice that hours,days or months has passed by. Only when we occidentally see a picture taken years ago or view a video starred by our young images,do we find out the trick of life and begin to recall the passing time. Reminiscing is pleasant both for the young and the elder. Memories,no matter sweet or bitter,are like old songs, which will never fail to touch you the moment you catch the familiar tunes.For me,Peacock is a reminder to my own childhood. Although I live in a different time, the movie does have some traces of the unchanged childhood of every Chinese. We have our dreams but we dare not talk about it with our parents, because in 9 out of 10 cases, our parents will not be impressed by our 'naive' dream and in their eyes, studying is the only way for us. In our adolescence, we boys were very curious about girls but we never had the education about sex and the only thing we were thought was that 'don't do stupid things with girls' and that was the comment about sex or about love. To some extent, Peacock remains a story which also has some truth. I don't believe in the parachute, but now I think it is only a symbol of dream.It seems a little unreal when a realism contains something romantic.However, it is a 100 percent masterpiece and I'd like to watch it again in spite of the length.
Tomas Sarpnickas Before I went to see this movie in Lithuanian non-Hollywood film festival Kino Pavasaris, I was warned by friends, that I must prepare to watch a very depressive film from China. And I'm wondering why it didn't seem depressive to me at all. Not a comedy, I must admit, but a masterpiece about life. Maybe some people think so because of it's ending, I don't know. Kong Que or peacock is a must see Chinese drama for those, who still love cinema. And for those who still wants to be surprised by it. The only weak side of Kong Que is a story about the youngest son in a family, which isn't so impressive as the stories of his siblings. Anyway, acting, directing & cinematography is great. I hope you'll have great time watching it, as I did. But be prepared this movie is longer than 2 hours.
bidor The director (or may be the screen writer, I don't know who to credit for) created an unusual film that is extremely real and plain yet full of drama and surprises. In the beginning of the movie, I thought it is just another typical art-house film. Slow-paced, good cinematography, weird characters, and other elements that aim to showcase the director's style. Yet as the film gradually reveals all of its wonders, I realized that the director intentionally stayed low-key to deliver a subtle message about our real daily life that otherwise would be overshadowed by anything less delicate.The story is about a family from the perspectives of its three children. It is one family yet every one of the children has a complete different experience and view of their childhood. From one person's perspective, you may believe something about the family. Yet you have to change your ideas when another perspective is shared. As you learn more and more about the family, you see that the people are just entrapped in their perspective and creating their own reality. They choose to see what they want to see and unknowingly get what they created for themselves.The director is extremely efficient. Every scene reveal much about the characters and naturally hold the story together wasting almost no time. Concurrently the movie presented both the heaviness of our daily grind and the possibility of liberation. (since we set the trap ourselves, we can liberate ourselves). So behind the masquerade of a slow-paced art-house film, the movie is really an "action-packed" or, better, "emotion-packed" discourse on human nature and our search for happiness. Only because of the refined realism in this movie, the subtle message is allowed to be expressed fully. Anything less delicate will not do.