Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus
Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus
NR | 19 January 2015 (USA)
Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus Trailers

A debate rages over the credibility of the Bible. Most archaeologists today have concluded that there's no evidence that the Exodus of Israelite slaves from Egypt ever happened. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney faces a crisis of faith: "Is this foundation event of the Bible really just a myth?" He embarks on a 12-year journey around the world to search for answers. The Exodus unlocks the mystery of this ancient saga, combining a scientific investigation with a retelling of the Exodus story to reveal an amazing pattern of evidence matching the biblical account that may challenge our understanding of history.

Palaest recommended
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
figman2 First of all, I like the guy, Mahoney. He is humble but also eager to find out the truth. It's a great overlook to understand the complicated job to understand the history and different ideas are presented. I like that they interview researcher that have different stands. It's an opened minded approach that gives the viewer freedom to believe what he/she want. It's so interesting to see how the patterns from the bible so perfect fit with the pattern in archelogy and history. Looking forward to see when they gonna change the egyptian timeline.
Jxfiles Insightful, even handed, restrained, and yet utterly compelling, Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus is an intelligent documentary and mature treatment of a very sensitive subject. It's a film that values exploration and questioning, rather than hand wringing and partisanship. It's a film of value, a film of questions, and one that can serve to better inform. As the documentary relates, the establishment view is that the Exodus didn't happen as described in the Bible, or is entirely fictional. This criticism seems to revolve around the established timeline for the Exodus. The documentary challenges this assumption, and does so convincingly. Experts of every stripe are shown, yet the film gives a notable voice to those who point to startling evidence of exactly what the Bible describes, just earlier than accepted. Director Tim Mahoney navigates the ensuing web well, keeping the viewer anchored with excellent visuals and a concise yet intelligent description off the correlation of events, and how they may fit from an archaeological standpoint.It's not perfect, some of the dramatization is unnecessary and the narration uneven, yet the questions poignant, and the execution striking.4/5 Stars
Johan Dondokambey I am Christian to begin with, and I'm proud to say that my faith is strong in The Lord. But I'm not a scientist, though I am curious and often times seek the truth. It's very much faith empowering how this film elaborates on the story of Exodus, at the same time comparing it with coherent scientific evidence. Yet this movie also still nicely leaves room for faith. As faith is the basis of things we can't see, one needs faith to understand the reasoning this movie presented, while the evidence itself still gets debated by scientists. I for one at prior to this movie wasn't aware of the gap of date settings between scientists, or even the whole counter-idea of the Exodus itself, as being a myth. At a skeptic's perspective this may prove that ignorance is bliss. But I see it as the fact that faith in God can't be distinguished by mere scientists' wisdom, which base their findings on mere rags and tatters.
chewori Patterns of Evidence is brilliant, masterful; detective work which had me on the edge of my seat! Blinking was not an option, and what would I miss if I did! A whodunit story from antiquity brought into the limelight of the modern era challenging fast held Judeo- Christian faiths and beliefs. Finally a documentary where the audience are invited to make their own conclusions, and I cannot help wondering if God has not preserved this movie for our jaded world where reason supersedes common sense, even when the writing on the wall confirms, reaffirms the truth of scripture. 'Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't. ― Mark Twain