Paperback Hero
Paperback Hero
| 05 August 2000 (USA)
Paperback Hero Trailers

An Australian truck driver writes romance novels. His engaged, tomboyish, crop duster best friend's name, Ruby Vale, is unasked used as author. Complications arise when his novel takes off. Will they remain friends or...?

Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Alexander Hunter A very Australian film full of beautiful scenery and a equally beautiful plot with a twist that keeps you guessing whats next and on the edge of your seat. You forget its a film and feel your there in the dusty sands of Australia, wanting to stick your hand out and help the plot along, or maybe even alter it and rewrite this film of love passion and the battle of stereotypes; but before you do be patient. Hugh Jackman gives the performance of his career yet, full of charisma and obviously at home in the role, in this feel good factor film that will have you finishing the film feeling on top of the world and a thousand feet taller. This is yet again another great Australian film that you will never forget or cease to watch.
ozq A wonderful romantic comedy movie, full of satire and unresolved emotions. If you've ever spent a decent amount of time in the outback of Australia where the bull dust covers everything and the road trains take 5 blocks to park, then you'll understand the humour in this movie. If you've never even seen Australia then you'll probably have a hard time keeping up, and you may not find it humorous at all, as most of the humour is very outback Aussie (as opposed to city Aussie - there's a difference, ya know) - although British viewers may enjoy the humour as well.Hugh Jackman plays a believable (and gorgeous) truckie in Outback Oz somewhere out the back of Woop Woop. They're not to specific as to the exact whereabouts of the setting. Claudia Karvan as Ruby is a believable sheila who happens to fly planes, as well as own the name Hugh's character put on his book.If you really want to see what the Aussie Outback is like, make sure you take note of all the story background including the characters. The storyline isn't too realistic, but I've seen a lot of those road trains and bull dust (the red stuff flying everywhere). Lots of fun for Romantic Aussies :))))
bob the moo Jack is a trucker in the Australian outback who makes regular stops in the outback café where Ruby Vale hangs out. Ruby is engaged to Jack's best mate. Things get complicated when a publisher comes to the outback café to see the author and Jack has to explain that he has written a romantic novel and used to name to hide his identity. With the publisher none the wiser the two set out for the city together to promote his novel through her. However the time together puts Ruby's engagement under threat.I watched this mostly because Hugh Jackman's new found status as a star brought it to my attention. The plot is quite good and has a reasonable amount of potential but the film doesn't really manage to do very much with it. It lacks a spark in the film as a whole to really get it going.Jackman is part of the spark and has a certain amount of charisma but he isn't enough to bring the film to life. No – it needed something more. The concealment of the truth in the first half is quite good but the romance and more serious tone in the second half is a lot heavier and doesn't totally work. Karvan is quite feisty and does well but her and Jackman don't have the necessary type of chemistry – they hit it off as a knockabout pair but not in the romantic sense.The film has a certain charm to it but it didn't really do anything for me other than pass the time. It's hard to define but it seemed lacking in some humour, some genuine romance and a relationship that I really wanted to get behind. Passable and has potential but lacking in a certain something.
geralf A refreshing setting for an 'old' story that's entertaining and well done! The 'downunder' folks have done a fine job on this 'old' theme that makes it well worth watching. Inspite of the 'jaded' reviews of certain folks, after watching movies and thinking about them for nearly 60 years, I'd say that this is one well worth a 2nd or even third watch. Definitely worth your time, if you are inclined to have some romantic fibers still firing.