Package Tour
Package Tour
| 22 August 1980 (USA)
Package Tour Trailers

Stig-Helmer and Ole Bramserud on a trip to the Canary Islands for Christmas.

Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
b_havag When I first saw Sällskapsresan some years ago, I laughed a lot. Being a Norwegian myself, I already knew the comedy of Jon Skolmen, one of Norway's finest comedians. Lasse Åberg from Sweden on the other hand, was new for me. He was even funnier than Skolmen! Who can not laugh at this clumsy and shy weirdo with the silly name; Stig-Helmer Olsson? When he dreams about Majsan for the first time, when he goes to the doctor afraid of flying and when he has socks in his sandals on Gran Canaria. I laugh a lot at Stig-Helmer Olsson.And then you have Ole Bramserud, Skolmens character. This lively and funny Norwegian with the big heart and the big belly. He really is so different from Stig-Helmer as he can be. Together they make quite a team and a very funny movie.But despite of Ole and Stig-Helmers many funny episodes, the thing that made me laugh the most was when the two drunkards was getting in to Gran Canaria. The worst of them was, of course, completely wasted after the flight from Sweden and the other one was very worried about how to get in with a drunk man. So he places him on a rolling chair and puts some blankets on him and rolls him out of the airport sleeping just stating to the airport-crew one word: "Invalido!" pointing at his friend. And I laughed so hard that that scene alone makes this film worth seeing. Just plain fun! 8/10
Flagrant-Baronessa "Jak kan flyga. Jag är inte rädd."Stig Helmer (Lasse Åberg) cements his status as lovable nerd in Sällskapsresan (1980), a goofy lanky man who never quite stopped being a shy boy. His nickname is "The Giraff" and he always ends up saying the wrongs things. Although this film is one of many in a series of cult comedies starring Åberg and his band of eccentric friends, it is the funniest and most memorable one. If you live in Scandinavia, you will have seen it a dozen of times and if you have grown up in the typical Swedish way, you will have laughed at it even more so.Sällskapsresan sees Stig Helmer and his Norwegian friend Ole Bramserud on a charter-trip to the Canary Islands. Stig Helmer is asked by his doctor to deliver a package to a friend of his at the destination and oblivious to the fact that it contains 50,000 SEK, Stig accidentally loses it at the airport and a hilarious mess ensues. But this little criminal detour is not what is funny about the film. The many laughs come from seeing Stig Helmer's clumsy and naive ways juxtaposed to the sleek jet-set style of the pretentious travel guides.What elevates Sällskapsresan (1980) and its sequels above generic comedy formula is its brilliant, clear-eyed use of Swedish clichés. Everyone who is a child of the 1950s-1980s has probably been to the Canary Islands at one time or another and encountered the silly tourist things that are present in this film. Here they are overblown and hilarious, but still subtle enough to get us to identify with them. The whole film is really extremely realistic, as are all its stereotypical characters. A real classic.8.5/10
sebastian_jahreskog The first two films in the Sällskapsresan series do not have such an original script as most Swedes would think. Both of of these are, if not copies, very and I do mean VERY similar to French "Les Bronzés" from 1978 ( and "Les Bronzés font du ski" from 1979 ( might be a good adaptation but it's not the brainchild of Åberg. This can be seen in the following films in this series where the quality is not even half as good as in the first two. Could lack of "inspiration" be the reason. Now Åberg had to come up with his own script and if you compare the first two with the others you will see the point.The first two films are however still a good laugh
Svalberg `Sällskapsresan' is a genuine situation-comedy with hilarious characters, how truly are Swedish stereotypes. By seeing this movie, the international public can get a real good look how Swedish people behave themselves (or at least used to) on charters. As the main characters we can se Lasse Åberg and Jon Skolmen. And they probably makes there best performance of there life's. Every minute of this movie brings us something laughable. Just sit back and relax, with a exotic drink in your hand, and enjoy this simple, wonderful film how makes you feel great the rest of the day.