PG | 05 January 1999 (USA)
P.U.N.K.S Trailers

Drew Utley, Miles Kitchen, Lanny Nygren and Jonny P. comprise a club called 'P.U.N.K.S.'. Their mission is to protect and serve peace.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
sroby989 After watching the hit Disney Movie Brink my expectations where pretty high, but P.U.N.K.S. came threw in big strides. Now my favorite character wasn't in the movie very much. I have tried to imitate his life as much as possible. He is the little actor who beat out the main character for president. I believe he can be seen on Malcolm in the Middle and the newest series of All That. This movie is great for parties and I highly recommended this. At first we where all against it but once we watched we laughed and cried.
Nin10dofreek GREAT!!!!!!!! incredible!!! I loved it! It's smart funny and... IT'S A DISNEY MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Natalia Adriana Maybe the title sound like this is a violence movie. But actually it's not.It is suitable for kids.P.U.N.K.S, if you really watch the movie and hear carefully,you'll know what it means.It doesn't sound like the real "PUNK" word.It means that they want to stop the strong picking up the weaks. And it's not like other movies,where fat kids are always the troublemaker. In this movie,lenny is only concerned about the food he ate(protein and fibre).Not like other movies where not only a fat kid will be the troublemaker,they also act stupid and do all those embarrassing stuff. Same to the computer genius,a girl who is an expert in stealing cars(also unlocking doors) with her cousin.I think this is a cool movie except for the title maybe.
ram-11 Don't think this is a movie about "punks", not even a violent movie, this is totally "kid's stuff", but for not very bright kids. The movie is about a bunch of kids (as usual, one is a nerd, one is a fat boy, one is a thief, one is the leader, and the other, a girl, so we have "all kinds") who join to prevent the death of the father of the leader, a scientist developing a "muscular enhancer", so the kids turn out to be : a) smart enough to understand a biological-scientifical experiment and its consequences, b) with the skills to break in to a lab with the highest-technology security, c) with the knowledge and skills to use computers as real hackers, among a lot of other things.So, the result is a boring movie, with bad kid actors, no angel, no fun, nothing else to say. Avoid it, even if you want a child's movie, or if you thought this would be sort of "KIDS" or anything a bit heavier, cause of the title PUNKS (as I thought).