| 24 April 2009 (USA)
Outrage Trailers

An indictment of closeted politicians who lobby for anti-gay legislation in the US.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
jotix100 About half way through the documentary, Michaelangelo Signorili, speaking directly to the camera, explains how, as a young man, he would be side by side with the school tormentors, scaring and beating those kids deemed to be gay. After all, being against the gays gave him a certain status, and being gay himself, he was excluded from the unfair treatment of the bullies. The actions of some of the politicians believed to be gay, clearly proves this theory to be right. Most of these elected officials voted against any legislation that would give rights to a minority in which they were part of, but which they denied by acting against homosexuals in general.Kirby Dick's documentary is an expose about the hypocrisy of people in high places that happened to be hiding their sexuality. Three prominent men are showcased as examples of the double standard they lived. Larry Craig, Ed Koch and Charlie Crist are examined in somewhat great detail. These men, while not having openly declared themselves to be gay, have certainly acted against the interests of their constituencies, as it is pointed out by Larry Kramer when he recounts how Ed Koch, the famous mayor of New York, could have done a better job in being influential for the community, had he the courage to admit he belonged to it.There are courageous accounts by James McGreevey, the former governor of New Jersey, who came out to his state and the nation in confessing he was a gay American. His interview is one of the most poignant moments of "Outrage". Same can be said of Jim Kolbe, an older man whose courage in coming out, rather than being "outed", took some guts to declare his sexual orientation.Kirby Dick the director of the documentary has a long career of tackling controversial topics. His view on the hypocrisy of the men in the story is an eye opening for many Americans.
Adam How funny that a film about the importance of forthrightness is so often dependent on anonymous sources and hearsay. Its politics aren't repellent at first, as Kirby Dick only outs politicians involved in public sex scandals. But then he just goes after whomever he pleases. Dick goes so low as placing a photo of Rep. David Dreier next to a disco ball and underwear-clad men at a pride parade. Then we're shown an embarrassing slip-up by news anchor Shepard Smith, a lead-in to outing him too. Many of these individuals' sexual orientation is none of our business. Being outed for hypocrisy is one thing; being outed anecdotally is quite another.The more aimless the documentary gets — and it meanders ceaselessly — the more frustrating its politics become, concealing an inconsistent moral standard with flashy graphics and rousing, but outrageous political claims. "If every gay person would come out of the closet, the gay rights movement would be over," claims one interviewee. This is the film's concluding point, with Harvey Milk discussing the importance of gay visibility. Inexplicably, the film fundamentally refrains from analyzing the irony that most of the high profile public figures outed here would never have gotten their positions if they were openly gay. Dick fails to realize his good intentions aren't a substitute for deeply flawed logic.43/100
lastliberal The big question whether or not it serves the cause to out those closeted politicians. That is a question that is outside of this documentary.The big question here is whether or not the makers of this film did a good job of covering the issue. Expectations were high on my part as Kirby Dick did the outstanding "This Film Is Not Yet Rated." I was captivated throughout by the stories and those who told of their experiences with the individuals covered. I really thought my own Charlie Crist would just have insinuations, but I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that Florida will have her first gay Senator.The fact shown that the Republican Party used the marriage issue to get votes was repugnant. But, these people will stop at nothing to gain and maintain power. They truly have no shame.Outstanding.
scope_72 Here is a much better logistical argument.1.The government is involved in marriage. 2.All adult citizens of the United States are guaranteed equal protection under law.3.Therefore, the government has two choices.A.Not be involved with marriage at all -OR- B.Treat all adult citizens equallyThis whole debate is not complicated guys. So if you do not like the idea of gay marriage get used to it, because the authors of the constitution laid down the groundwork for this centuries ago.p.s. as for your "slippery slope" theory about people one day marrying their pets, it should first be noted that a pet does not have a choice in the matter so it would not be able to be defined as marriage. The pet would not even know that it had been married. In other words, that part of your comments is laughable, and can be construed as very rude. Very similar to a comment like this, "I mean, why would anyone be religious, thats just left over tradition from cavemen." Don't be inconsiderate of others please.