Out of Control
Out of Control
| 11 March 2009 (USA)
Out of Control Trailers

Against her father's wishes, a young female cop in Chicago pursues her dream of becoming a detective when she's brought on to investigate a major murder case.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
cathed This is the usual suspense movie, good enough to hold your attention but nothing you'll be talking to your friends about afterward. Ms. Vandervoort does a fair job in this, as do the others, and it held my interest well enough. I've never felt much sympathy for stunningly beautiful women, not being one myself; I figured their beauty compensated for whatever prejudices they faced. Reading the venomous comments regarding Ms. Vandervoort, though, gave me an insight into the malice some people direct their way. This movie is not destined to be a classic studied in film classes, true, but the actors and actresses in it do an average to slightly above-average job.
rgcustomer Actually, after the first 10 minutes of this, I was expecting another Canadian thrown-together piece of trash. In fact, I skipped ahead to the credits to verify the usual suspects (The Movie Network, MovieCentral, Canadian Film or Video Tax Credit, etc.). But I like to finish what I start, so I went back and watched it through.To say I was "pleasantly" surprised probably isn't the right terminology. The movie is bad. It really should have been an episode in some TV series, at best, rather than eating up valuable movie time. But it wasn't the trip to the dentist that I was expecting. It keeps up a decent pace (mostly) and has an identifiable plot. The city obviously isn't Chicago, but it at least isn't obviously any other place either (unless you happen to live where it was shot). It's not Serpico, but it's OK, as another person wrote, to do laundry to.In contrast to the other comment-writers, I have to say that Vandervoort's casting was the only good choice. All the others are clearly way out of their element (that is, in front of a camera) and not remotely believable in their roles (although some of this is due to the dreadful script, but good actors avoid such roles, so ultimately it is their fault). At least Vandervoort demonstrated the confidence that you'd expect in someone working for law enforcement, if nothing else. I doubt any of these characters (any of them) would last a day in the real job.
guil fisher Typical LMN empty plot trite with typical bleached blond in the lead. I was rooting for the villains in this one for certainly Laura Vandervoot in the lead was more of a bitch than any one else. Always with a nose in the air attitude and going around looking out of place in the police station. She annoyed me very much as she stepped on all in her way. I had wished someone would have done her in. No such luck. We're forced to look at this bimbo for two hours attempting to unravel the plot walking over all in her way. Some broad, eh? Even her own father, she smart mouths. By the way he gave one of the better acting jobs. Francis X. McCarthy didn't have much to do, but the little he did do, was fine. Amy Sloan also did a great job in an unrewarding role. I wanted her to bash in the leading lady's head when she gave her so much crap. There is nothing rewarding about this mess. Oh, yes, Chris Kramer plays the man in the film and he does a decent job. I felt sorry for them all to have to play opposite such a loser. Her so called karate moves in the end are so laughable, I split my sides. She's such a bad actress and unbelievable from beginning to end. Frightening to think this blond bimbo will be on the police force. Egads!
Murli In all honesty I was expecting a pretty bad movie but I have to say that it turned out to be okay.Plotwise it's your usual TV movie of the week standard fare. Nothing electrifying and the pace is rather pedantic but it's definitely a lot better than 80% of the made for TV movies that I've seen, and unfortunately for me I've seen quite a lot lately! The main cast puts their time in even if it is rather listlessly and formulaic. The only downside to the casting is that of Laura Vandervoot. She's highly unconvincing in her supposed role as a police criminologist and even more so as an aspiring detective to be, instead looking fashionable in most scenes and not really doing much. For someone who's supposedly top of their class in detective school she sure makes a lot of big mistakes and crosses some professional lines. However, the surprising part is that she didn't do a bad acting job. Nothing spectacular but nothing that sank to the depths of a certain Paris Hilton, which I must admit I had been expecting.All in all, if you've got nothing to do on a Sat night, or even a weeknight and are waiting for the laundry to finish drying it's worth filling in the time. Don't watch with high expectations and you'll make it through the movie just fine.