Our Wife
Our Wife
NR | 16 May 1931 (USA)
Our Wife Trailers

Oliver is making plans to marry his sweetheart Dulcy with Stan as his best man, but the plans are thwarted when Dulcy's father sees a picture of Ollie and forbids the marriage. The couple plan to elope, and run away to a Justice of the Peace. After typical Laurel and Hardy blundering, they manage to sneak the girl away from her father's house.

Alicia I love this movie so much
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
mark.waltz Chubby rich girl Babe London is all giddy because it's her wedding day, that is she thinks until her father James Finlayson sees the photo of her groom: Oliver Hardy. For what reason, we don't know, but let's just presume it's simply because it's Mr. Hardy. After Laurel practically destroys Oliver's attempts to get ready, they have an even more difficult time getting Babe out of her home and into Laurel's tiny little car. Then it's off to justice of the peace Ben Turpin's for an even bigger mix-up. The visual gags are a big delight, starting with the goofy pictures of the plump bride and groom to be. Oliver gets burnt thanks to a toxic bottle of perfume and eventually literally brings out the dining room and all the intended decorations. A comic delight from start to finish, it made me want to see more of the charming Ms. London.
Prichards12345 After re-watching many of their films over the past two months I'm running out of superlatives. Our Wife is yet another brilliant short from Stan and Ollie. A frantic farce with at least 3 classic pratfalls.There's Jimmy Fin plunging headlong down the stairs: there's Ollie flying into his own wedding cake after tripping on some ice: and there's Ollie plummeting through the window when attempting to elope with his similar-sized sweetheart. How on earth did they do this stuff in 1931?The scene of Ollie and his bride trying to fit in Stan's tiny hired car is hysterical: makes me wonder did the Marx Brothers borrow this idea for their famous (and equally brilliant) stateroom scene in A Night At The Opera? Of course throw in Ben Turpin as the JP and you have another brilliant comedian to add to the salad.I'd not seen this one in many years, and each gag is simply wonderful. The laughter comes fast and furious. Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy I salute your genius.
rsyung Our Wife is one of those Laurel and Hardy comedies that at first seem so broad and farcical (it is) but upon multiple viewings, reveal a surprising number of beautiful subtleties. I know, because my two-year- old son loves it and constantly requests it…sometimes twice a day. Look at Stan, re-entering the room after having been quickly ushered out by Ollie, who wants some privacy to talk to his beloved. It is a completely guileless gesture, just like(need I say it) a two-year-old's response to a restriction he doesn't recognize as such. And Stan's satisfied smile when Ollie explains "Why, you're the best man!" And no small credit goes to Babe London as Ollie's betrothed. Just look at her expression of guarded optimism as Justice of the Peace Ben Turpin goes through his auctioneering gibberish during the ceremony. Then, notice Ben at the fadeout. After mistakenly marrying Stan to Ollie, all he seems interested in is pushing through the group in his living room and rushing back to bed. Even their struggles to get into that 1930 American Austin Coupe, the depression era's version of the Mini-Cooper, is doubly funny when considering the context, that of a rushed getaway. The time-space continuum "takes five" as they try to maneuver themselves into the car. Ollie's exasperated query: "What did you want to hire a thing like this for?" goes unanswered, hinting at an excised shot or two, but it also signifies the boy's quick acceptance of obstacles thrown in their path and their earnest attempts to overcome them. The whole movie is a series of set pieces in which the boys go through the minimal obligatory motions of an adult rite-of-passage: the one-layer cake, frosting peeling off like a tree shedding bark, the minimal wedding decorations, the quick spray of dried rice and a shoe to the head, the mumbled wedding vows, the pro-forma "Congratulations, my boy, you've married the sweetest girl in all the world!" from the justice of the peace… it's all about two little boys playing grown-up, and overcoming the brief lacuna of adulthood and ending up back together again.
Boba_Fett1138 This is one of my favorites. It has lots of fun moments and a great comical premise that features some of the most fun characters ever appeared in a Laurel & Hardy movie.The movie really has a great comical story. Oliver is planning to get married and starts making arrangement at home, which of course he, with the help of his good pal Stanley totally messes things up. However when the father of the bride (James Finlayson) she's a picture of the man his daughter is getting married to, he forbids the wedding (who can blame him). For Oliver there is only one solution, elope with his bride so they can get secretly married, with the help from Stanley. But of course nothing is as easy as it seems especially not with Stan helping out.The story provides the movie with multiple great and hilarious comical sequence and moments. There are really moments in the movie that made me laugh out loud. The movie is also made fun thanks to its fine comedy characters. Of course James 'D'oh' Finlayson is great and his comical timing is excellent. Fun was Babe London as the bride-to-be, who looks disturbingly a lot like Oliver Hardy. At the end of the movie Ben Turpin also shows up as the cross-eyed Justice of the Peace, who provides the movie with even more and harder laughs and a wonderful fun finale. The movie provides some great non-stop laughs, as the movie is fast paced and features lots of quick slapstick moments from the comedy duo and the other characters (Finlayson mostly, who also gets to lots of comedy work in this one.). The movie is set at quite many different locations for Laurel & Hardy standards but it works out for this movie, since the story and slapstick of the movie are so well constructed. They're of course wonderfully timed and executed by the boys and the rest of the supporting cast- and directed by Laurel & Hardy specialist James W. Horne.A great fun comedy short that provides some real solid guaranteed laughs!9/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/