| 18 December 2014 (USA)
Ophilia Trailers

Three skinheads learning about the meaning of life and true friendship.

StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
harry ahmad Skinhead is one of the sub culture quite so popular among teenagers. Although I am not of the skinhead community but I really like several skinhead bands such ACAB, The Official, and so on. And when Raja Mukhriz began to talk about Ophilia (Refer court issues the Gelanggang Filem 5) which tells the story of Skinhead, I continue to be interested to see it someday.Ophilia which tells the story of a friendship between three skinheads, Uji (Pekin Ibrahim), Ozy Gandum (Que Haidar, actually quite funny name hehehe) and Totoi (played by newcomer actor, Rasheed) which has a different behavior but remain friends because skinhead. The film is narrated through POV of Uji. This is the story of a love story Uji outlook on life stories he and his fellow a friend. A tragedy that made them not intentional involved in the events that changed the destiny of their lives and to test their friendship.Pekin honestly succeeded in forming the character very well. When we look at the we just seem to be Uji, not Pekin. so also with Ozy Gandum brought by Que Haidar, adolescents who experienced severe family problems and a bit of form and character of the type of coal is problematic. I like the character Ozy's own very different character to character ever Que hold, this is quite rare. Kodi Rasheed as Totoi (weird name hehe) frankly do not see clearly he is a newcomer to acting once he is still with senior Pekin and Que Haidar. An honor for him for giving presentations as well as highly professional once.Overall, this film does not deteriorate badly Skinhead. I was surprised about the film directed by Raja Mukhriz this because normally the film would end up with this skinhead culture is not good, repent, blah blah blah. Raja Mukhriz like to understand whether the skinhead and thank you for producing a film that honestly. In this film, clearly questioning the rationale why should Skinhead underestimated? You can watch this movie alone expression Ozy about this. The film is also tucked some Skinhead song that gives color in this film. The storyline is simple to understand and convincing. There was laughter and there are also scenes that are so pathetic (scene near the ending). Just in terms of the ending (do not want spoilers, your see later) and a little sad to disappoint me. overall a bold work on this year. congratulations to those involved in this film. You all can watch the film later in the cinema 18-12-2014 later. Support local film.Siga Siga !!!
Hootoh Tudia Ophilia (2014) Malaysia Skinhead film absolutely gladdened the hearts of the audience with positive ideology Skinhead storyline and impressive acting from Uji (Pekin Ibrahim), Ozzi Gandum (Que Haidar) and Totoi (Kodi Rasheed). As We're the youth of the working class. Ophilia really managed to bring the character of young people who are struggling with their lives. Really make me proud to be Malaysian. Much more respect to Raja Mukriz.Ophilia is a film that emphasizes the theme of 'brotherhood' between the three friends, and more interestingly they take skinhead sub-culture as a way of life. The film is seen as one of the films that have high anticipation for this year, because rarely true local film making space for alternative culture (here I am writing an alternative, because it is taken from outside the culture, not born of local conditions that exist in our country , apart from the sub-culture of the most original of illegal racing culture. The Ophilia movie mostly remind me to the film Pariah, Romper Stomper, Quadrophenia and American History X.