One Under the Sun
One Under the Sun
| 14 March 2017 (USA)
One Under the Sun Trailers

Astronaut Kathryn Voss, sole survivor of a disastrous space shuttle mission, is a distraught mother desperate to reunite with her terminally ill daughter but becomes a wanted fugitive after discovering she possesses an extraordinary gift.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
max_baker-55418 Amateurish direction and production. Writing was pretty LAME. Then there's the simple fact that the story pretty much goes nowhere from beginning to end. Many scenes drag on way too long. Most of the actors are relatively unknown, but fair for their relative inexperience. Watching the movie was like watching a play that was slapped together by a bunch of people who either didn't have their heart in it, or who were too absorbed to realize how terrible the overall project was or would wind up becoming. Editing wasn't that good, but sometimes and editor is stuck with what he or she has. "Well let's see. I've got scenes A, B, and C. I could leave them in alphabetical order or I could rearrange them into a B, A, C or a C, A, B pattern. Boy! Wouldn't the audience be really mesmerized If I cut it as a B, C, A or a C, B, A layout? No wait! I almost forgot! There's the rarely used A, C, B sequence! Whoo! I'm a genius!" I'm sorry! Turds are turds! It doesn't matter in what order you squeeze them out. Pardon my vulgarity, but this film failed only because someone put too much effort into getting the OK for it to be produced. The reason it didn't get a (1) rating is because most of the actors did well, considering what they were given.
GingerOfDoom I could overlook the extremely sub par acting and lack of budget if the story and dialog were any good. They aren't. Right out the gate this movie dragged, was boring, and I felt zero connection or concern for the characters. The attempts at forced humor didn't help. I have no idea why this had as high a rating as it did. Don't waste your time.
Leofwine_draca ONE UNDER THE SUN is one of those philosophical science fiction dramas made on an indie budget which barely covers the cost of shooting let alone the proper qualities associated with movies. Thus the mildly interesting premise, about an astronaut returning to Earth with unexpected powers, is let down by bog standard execution and a slow-moving narrative that consists of people sitting around and chatting. There are few actors here who do nothing to lift the material, and seem bored by the whole process. Attempts at depth and sentiment are quite laughable through-and-through.
alanc88 I have just committed a cardinal sin. I read the reviews which all proclaimed this film to be absolutely pants - and the I watched it right to the end! Don't do what I did, take notice of the reviewers and don't waste your time. The acting(?) is absolutely diabolical - surely there will be no more roles for anyone after this? To put it briefly; there is a planned mission to Mars - no idea why really. The lead woman has a dying daughter, but she didn't appear to give a toss about her during the first half of the film, she just upped and left but later on it was all about 'I want to see my daughter'. We don't actually see them on Mars, just a rocket taking off and a caption saying '3 years later'. Incredibly the woman is the only survivor of a missile attack on re-entry. She is taken in by Gov officials for interrogation and is deemed a danger because she has now got some mind reading powers, so they decide to do away with her. So, should they send in a couple of 'heavies' into the cell to hold her whilst the doctor injects her with some deadly poison because she is such a risk? No frigging way - just send one guy in on his own so she can kick the crap out of him and escape. When she has escaped she gets visits from the other 'dead' crew members telling her that she has survived because she has an important message to tell the rest of the world. A lot of this is cryptic waffle - unfortunately I couldn't understand a word of the actress playing the part of the 'African(?)' woman so I don't know what she had to say. So now she's escaped and the Gov know she wants to get to see her child - what should we do? - send in a posse of agents to the home / hospital to kill her because she is such a danger and they did try to kill her when she was in interrogation? Not on your Nelly! Just send (2) guys - the boss man and an agent who happens to feel sorry for her. I can't say much about the ending because there wasn't one - No message to earth, to the 7 billion people living here or most annoyingly for me is for the people who watched this crap. Rant over, I'm going for a lie down.