One More Kiss
One More Kiss
| 18 September 1999 (USA)
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When Sarah Hopson realizes her successful high-rise New York lifestyle is devoid of meaning, she packs her bags and heads for her home town in the Scottish Borders to look for Sam, her childhood sweetheart and the only man she ever loved. Sam Murray runs a restaurant. He and Sarah grew up together and Sam hoped they'd grow old together. His world fell apart the day Sarah left and now she's back, standing on his doorstep and telling his wife she'd like to spend some time with him. Written by NybergerMeister

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
bob the moo Having left her native Scotland to go to New York to pursue her career, Sarah returns home to tell her family and friends that she has cancer and has little time left to live. Specifically she has returned to spend time with her ex-boyfriend Sam, who is now married. His wife Charlotte is not supportive but Sam does it anyway. While the two of them spend time together they start to become a bit closer and recall memories from the past; meanwhile Sarah also tries to mend things with her present but emotionally distant father Frank.Within five minutes I realised that I had started watching a genre film in a genre that I generally don't like – the "seize the day while at death's door" movie. Generally an excuse for a load of hankies to come out and the audience to be put through the Hollywood emotional mangle, it is not an experience that I enjoy that much. However, despite some clunky and preachy moments, this is actually quite an engaging and raw experience that I found quite enjoyable, well, maybe "enjoyable" is not a good word. The characters and the emotions are well painted and I can forgive the film its soapy, sweeping opening sequence mainly because it does get much closer to reality from then onwards. Of course it is still a genre movie and it does have its fair share of "seize the day" dialogue but it generally avoids the clichés, cheese and moods that you will find in countless television movies cluttering the daytime television schedules.The cast help this by being pretty convincing and bringing the best out of the good script. Edmond worried me at first but got stronger as it went on; she was convincing in the main and she works well with her support cast. Butler is not quite as good but he works well with Edmond although he could have done better with Gogan, who herself is perhaps weakened by the fact that her character is not all that it could have been. Cosmo is as solid as he always is and I found him to be easy to care about and relate to (perhaps due to him being rather bottled up). Jean's direction is good and generally avoids sentimentality, to the benefit of the material generally.Overall then this is a genre film but it is one that is worth a look if, like me, you generally don't care for the genre. It is soapy at times (specifically the opening ten minutes is very "genre") but generally it is convincingly raw and all the better for it. The cast bring this out well and director Vadim Jean seems to have little or no interest in manipulating the audience emotionally or drawing out fake emotions and despite my initial concerns, it was certainly one of the better films I have seen albeit in a generally weak genre (in my opinion).
SandyLiz I watched the movie because I am a huge fan of Gerard Butler. I disagree with some comments about the movie--that Sara was being selfish. When Sam came to see her the 1st time, she did tell him to go away--she respected the fact he was married. But he kept coming back. I thinkCharlotte was the selfish one! I just don't understand that kind of jealousy. If my husband was dear friends with someone and wanted to be there for her while she was dying, I would love him all the more forit. And I would also be there for her, for them both. We would love her to death, in a good way. I didn't get the end. Did Charlotte really pack Sam's bags and leave them at the door or what? I don't know. It left me hanging there in confusion. I am glad Frank opened up and found a more active life because of Sara's helping him handle her dying. I missed captioning...hard of hearing & accents are difficult. I know I will watch it again and again because I love Gerry. He is a brilliant actor, very expressive with facial expressions and emotional acting--not overdone. I came to love Sara and saw what Sam and Frank saw in her. It's so true that the dying seem to have a mission to teach us sleep-walkers something. I worked in hospice and saw that dying isnot some horrible fearful thing, but can be a beautiful part of the cycle of life offering everyone an opportunity to share and love and live more fully. I didn't see the one last kiss. Where was that? (And I think it was tragic that Sara died "too soon" because of going for the surgery. I don't know if I'd attempt to that...wanting to live fully right up to the last minute. Oh well, to each his own, live and learn.
arion214 This movie takes a hard look at life, love and death. Complacent people live lives of quiet desperation while days, months and years slip through their fingers without really being noticed. Sarah steps back into the humdrum lives of her father, ex-boyfriend Sam and his wife, and shakes up their lives forcing them all to take stock of what really matters. What really matters is to live each day as if it were your last -- to spread your arms wide and fly even though there is a real chance you will hit the ground hard. What would you do for love? Would you know how to meet death? Is your life ticking away? None of the characters is perfect nor are their actions always "moral" but they wrestle with their choices and make mistakes along the way. We can judge them and say we would be "better" people but does anyone know that unless faced with this movie's dilemma? And, yes, Gerard Butler is beautiful and touching as Sam, the man caught in the middle with everything to lose.This movie rates high on my list of favorites from this talented actor and his thoughtful director.
maryannwb I bought this movie on E-Bay not knowing anything about it but being seduced by the title, the fact that Gerard Butler was in it, and the description from the video jacket. One More Kiss? A definite waste of money. The heroine was a royally selfish pain who left me cold with her plight: I kept wanting to smack her instead of empathize with her. James Cosmo and Gerry Butler in their roles were excellent. Perhaps the heroine was told to play the role as she did but if so, the director should have been shot. It would have helped a lot to those who are hard of hearing and those of us who are not too familiar with Scottish dialects to have had captioning. The only saving grace was looking at the scrumptious Gerard Butler.