One Lucky Elephant
One Lucky Elephant
| 08 June 2011 (USA)
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Where does an elephant go after a life in the circus? Sixteen years have passed since circus producer David Balding adopted Flora, the orphaned baby African elephant he lovingly raised as part of his family and made the star of his show. As Flora approaches adulthood, he realizes that she is not happy performing. Ultimately, David must face the difficult truth that the circus is no place for Flora. She needs to be with other elephants. The road to Flora’s retirement, however, is a difficult and emotional journey which tests their bond in unexpected ways. Ten years in the making, One Lucky Elephant explores the consequences of keeping wild animals in captivity, while never losing sight of the delicate love story at its heart.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
roddekker To be sure - Elephants (though known to be quite gentle in nature) are mighty big animals, indeed, and they are certainly not the sort of beast that you would expect someone to keep as a pet.... But, kept as a pet (a glorified pet, that is) - Flora, the elephant, was by Missouri circus-owner, David Balding.For the most part - "One Lucky Elephant" was a very informative and eye-opening documentary concerning the fate of a wild creature who was denied its natural environment and (though treated well) was kept captive and away from those of its own kind from the age of 2 to 18 years.I think that this is the sort of documentary that would appeal, in one way, or another, to a fair-sized audience.... Believe me - This often-insightful presentation certainly contained some very intense moments, especially when it came to the startling footage of documented "elephant rage".
Dalbert Pringle Meet Flora (a 2 ton couch potato - just kidding) who was, perhaps, the most pampered and beloved elephant in all of America..... Orphaned at 2 years - Flora (who would've otherwise ended up in a zoo) was "acquired" by circus owner, David Balding..... For 16 years Flora and David were the best of friends, as only an elephant and a man could realistically be.Released in 2010 - "One Lucky Elephant" was certainly a very informative, entertaining, and yes, sometimes touching documentary concerning Balding's personal quest to find Flora (who no longer desired the limelight) a suitable and permanent home..... Through interviews with those who had worked around both David and Flora - The viewer soon begins to realize just how difficult this mission of Balding's really was.Competently directed by Lisa Leeman - "One Lucky Elephant" (80 minutes in length) is a documentary that's definitely worth a view.*Note* - In 2014 - David Balding (75 at the time) died due to medical complications.
Richie-67-485852 The value in watching this is to learn what not to do with elephants. These are my favorite creatures of whom I respect and admire. They have majesty, silent purpose and intelligence without displaying an ego. I said that to say this; Man tries to impart an ego into this magnificent beast and is shocked when they rebel or resist. The message is clear. The elephants can stay and man must leave them alone. They don't require anything from man yet we want them to act something other than their purpose. This documentary makes that point and other points leaving you with a sense of regret but better for seeing this special. What is that regret? That we bothered theses creatures to begin with...
Larry Silverstein I found this to be an informative and rather fascinating documentary centering on Flora the elephant. In the wild, when she was young, her mother was killed in front of her. She was subsequently transported and trained to perform in Circus Flora, owned and operated by David Balding.Balding seemingly treats her, in a way, like his own "daughter". However, after he starts to see signs of aggression in Flora, after many years of performing, he decides to retire her and seek a permanent sanctuary for her.He wants to find a place for her where she will be happy and co-exist with other elephants. He finds, however, that this is a formidable challenge.I won't reveal the final result of it all but will leave that to the viewer. I did find the documentary to be quite engrossing and it kept my attention throughout.It does bring up the whole question again of whether wild animals, and their DNA make-up can really co-exist with humans. When I see circuses in movies or television, I usually feel bad for the animals that are not in their natural habitats.