Blood of the Tribades
Blood of the Tribades
| 27 March 2016 (USA)
Blood of the Tribades Trailers

A vampire named Bathor turned an entire village to vampires, stuck around long enough to teach them to survive, and then promised to return in 2000 years after conquering the rest of the continent. The only problem with this plan is that the vampires, although immortal, have only a limited capacity for memory. As time passes, they forget their utopian society and led by the totalitarian zealot Grando, become paranoid, superstitious fundamentalists, splitting their society by race and gender lines, seeking to destroy those who are deemed sinful. Long-forgotten lovers Élisabeth and Fantine find that, with the help of those who were banished in the past, it is their fate to piece together the past and help preserve the little that remains before Bathor’s impending return.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Leofwine_draca BLOOD OF THE TRIBADES is an American indie horror flick made as a tribute to the lesbian vampire flicks of old such as VAMPYRES and DAUGHTERS OF DARKNESS. As such, there's not much plot of sorts, but plenty of visual imagery in the tale of dangerous femme fatales seducing and vampirising unsuspecting men. At times the film recalls the glory days of Jean Rollin and his oeuvre, but as soon as any of the non-actors open their mouths it tends to fall apart due to the wooden line delivery. There's at least one bloody set-piece and lots of tasteful nudity involving voyeurism, bathing, and skinny dipping.
rogoharrer See it. See it soon. A wonderful piece of connoisseur-trash-art-core. It is hard to capture the feeling of an era and a specific style of filmmaking, but the team behind "Blood of the Tribades" manages to re-create and expand the genre of 1970s lesbian vampire film. Hooray! Blood! Sex! History! Gender theory!
nodiro This is no doubt, a very weird movie that pays homage to Rollin, Franco, Vadim, and other Euro outcast cinema. I love how it mixes a little of the melodrama of Hammer in as well. The story without spoilers...not that it matters a whole lot for a movie like this is that these women vampires have forgotten everything and they are being hunted by men for plaguing them, except they aren't actually doing it. The leader of the men is a demagogue using religion and political pressure to blame everyone he can. Sound familiar? This movie is basically like Hitler fights the vampires and they rise up against him. Except it is not Hitler, it's Grando. And wow is Seth Chatfield's over- the-top performance as Hitler, I mean Grando, really fun and solid! The two lead women are exceptional as well. Also, so many penises. 9/10 because I wanted it to be longer. Not the penises. The movie.
snakepaws The overall tone of the film is set within the first few minutes. What you see is what you get. It's a throwback film in many ways to the 70s Euro art-house lesbian vampire genre. The setting is colorful and captivating - and coupled with the terrific score, they work to really set the mood and atmosphere. It's obvious the cast and crew worked hard to create a fully-realized world that would resonate with fans of the genre. So, if you're a fan of indie films, vampires, lesbians, Hammer Films horror, 70s era films - or just looking for something competent, refreshing, and containing scenes of blood and sensual sexiness - go ahead and settle in, sit back, and give it a whirl.
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