One Little Indian
One Little Indian
G | 20 June 1973 (USA)
One Little Indian Trailers

An Army deserter (James Garner) flees by camel across the desert with a white boy (Clay O'Brien) raised by Indians.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
bkoganbing One Little Indian is the first of two westerns that James Garner and Vera Miles made for Walt Disney Productions in the middle Seventies, the second being The Castaway Cowboy. Vera has less to do in this film as James Garner spends most of his screen time with the actor playing the title role, young Clay O'Brien.The title is really a misnomer because O'Brien isn't an Indian. He's a white captive who is discovered as such after an army patrol brings in some women and kids. He's used to living with the Cheyenne and runs away.While on the run O'Brien meets up with James Garner who is also on the run from the army. He's been sentenced to hang for mutiny and desertion and Sergeant Morgan Woodward is making it a personal mission to bring Garner in. As it turns out Garner finds O'Brien invaluable because he didn't get away on a horse. His getaway animal was a mother camel named Rosebud and her baby named Thirsty. Part of the remnants of Jefferson Davis's camel corps experiment which even today can be found roaming our deserts in the Southwest. Rosie can outlast any horse on the desert, but she does require some special handling and O'Brien proves to have a way with the beast.Where One Little Indian succeeds is in the chemistry between Garner and O'Brien without which the film couldn't work. Rendering them aid and comfort for a while is widowed mother Vera Miles and her daughter Jodie Foster. Garner being an army deserter and under sentence to hang does complicate things for a romance with Miles.This is a Walt Disney production so you know it will all work out. Pat Hingle a gruff army captain who does not like the routine of his well ordered post disrupted proves to be a savior for all, but Woodward. How that is accomplished is something to watch One Little Indian for.One Little Indian is a pleasant piece of entertainment from Walt Disney with the added pleasure of James Garner.
kevin_southern_ireland You know I watch a great many movies, being disabled and not very mobile can do that to you.From action to romance and thriller to comedy I pretty much enjoy any genre and being this way I have seen a lot of action packed movies. So when one comes my way that is simply a good story with fun and a pleasant message it is refreshing.This is one of those movies! Good, fun, pleasant to watch and with clean non-violent message.James Garner is good fun and plays the role well.Jodie Foster is in it for only a few scenes but you know even seeing her at that age (11 i guess) was kind of neat! Vera Miles also plays her part well.As for the "one little Indian" - Clay O'Brien, he plays his part well, and even the occasional dodgy haircut is forgivable! So in short, if you a looking for a good, clean, family movie I can recommend this one.All the best from Southern Ireland! Kevin
mariewood47 I have watched this many times with my children all 7. And everyone enjoys it. Still we have watched it over and over along with their friends and as stated before everyone who has ever seen this movie watchs it again and again. There are not many family movies around anymore. There should be more movies like this made now adays. Kids will always be kids. Everyone enjoys a good comdey. No matter what age they are. This movie is truely a treasure. How can you not like James Garner. One of many Disney movies for the whole family. This should be put on a dvd and brought back out on the shelves for all to see and watch. So get out the popcorn and get ready for a GOOD family movie.
smhowell-1 The plot is a little predictable, or maybe I remembered it from 'way back when. As a James Garner fan, it's a sure bet that I've seen this before, but can't remember when. The timing and pace were superb; I was entertained without thinking about time passing. It's a little sentimental for today's tastes. Acting was flawless by the entire cast; every character was believable. The music was unpretentious, and unfortunately, unmemorable, but then it also doesn't date itself, either. At the end, I didn't have the feeling that this is an all time classic, but it did manage to jerk that little tear out of my eyeball. The only major flaw was the poor use of obvious studio shot closeups during the chase scenes, which jarred the viewer from the suspended disbelief necessary to enjoy fiction. Overall, I'm not sorry that I own the DVD. It's a real joy to escape the foul language and smut that passes itself off as entertainment these days.