Once Around
Once Around
R | 18 January 1991 (USA)
Once Around Trailers

Renata Bella feels like a failure at life and career. But when Renata attends a seminar on selling real estate, she finally finds True Love. Sam Sharpe, while a top-notch, successful salesman, is much older than Renata. She is swept away by his excessively flamboyant style and irrepressible nature. The very traits she finds romantic, however, lead to repeated conflict with her family, especially her beloved father Joe, leaving Renata trapped in the middle.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
edwagreen What a wonderful 1991 film this is. It explores the relationships within the family.After being rejected by her boyfriend at her sister's wedding, Holly Hunter meets Richard Dreyfuss by chance and love blossoms from the first second. Problem is that the Dreyfuss character, a free spirit with a golden heart, goes overboard and gets off to a bad start with Hunter's parents, Danny Aiello and Gena Rowlands.Dreyfuss means well, but his persistence is overwhelming and causes a family fracas.As is so true to life, it takes a major illness to resolve things.This is a marvelous story of found and lost love.
gcd70 Flat, uninteresting and uninspired basically sums up Lasse Halstrom's film. A different but very close family is torn apart when their daughter Renata meets and brings home the arrogant, obnoxious and much older Sam Sharp."Once Around" is too akin to "Moonstruck", with its old fashioned melodies and family drama. Halstrom tries to endear us to the Bella clan early on, but never really succeeds. Any attempt to make us fond of Dreyfuss' character Sharp (a really painful person if ever there was one) fails miserably. Fairly disappointing stuff from a reputable Swedish director.PS None of the comedy really works at all.Saturday, May 2, 1992 - Video
angelica reese I've watched Once Around at least 100 x's and I still love it. I love the music (the one song!) and I really enjoyed the cast, yes, even Dreyfuss. I really enjoy tear jerker's. Without giving it away (for those who haven't seen this movie) this is one that will bring laughter & tears. I really enjoyed the plot. I think the characters were great. If you lived in the "80's & 90s" you'll get this flick, perhaps younger audiences may not appreciate it as much. I also like the fact it is really not "dated". Aside from the cars (limo) and the super large cell phones, I think you can easily forget when this movie was made. I am sometimes bothered when I watch a certain movie and every single object reminds of you of the date it was made (terms of endearment). Anyway, hope you enjoy this movie as much as I do!
rossgolden In my opinion 'Once Around' is a movie that was clearly never marketed correctly. It is a well written and has wonderfully created characters each with there own strengths and weaknesses. I admit that only reason I thought to watch it at first is that I find Holly Hunter totally enchanting. Upon watching a few minutes I was sucked in to find out what happens next. Granted most would consider it a 'chick flick', but I generally do not like 'chick flicks'. The trials and tribulations that each member of the family go through upon meeting 'Sam'(Richard Dreyfuss) and the things said amongst the characters are sad, funny and a good representation of life within families. It makes you think, laugh and even cry (yes I admit to it). Anybody who has ever tried to fit in with their spouse's family will definitely find this movie truly entertaining and possibly closer to the truth than parody. Richard Dreyfuss plays the part of a salesman really well. Danny Aiello plays the father of Holly Hunter and really makes the movie in my opinion. The supporting cast does a really good job of playing a family that has inner turmoil like most families tend to have. I think most people who watch this movie will be able to relate to this unsung gem!