On Edge
On Edge
| 05 May 1999 (USA)
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Doug Bradley ('Pinhead' from Hellraiser) stars as a decadent dentist in ON EDGE, an award-winning horror short from writer/director Frazer Lee. 'This guy is a great director' (says TOBE HOOPER, director of 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre")

Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
scarybookfan 1st seen it on the SciFi channel and happened to tape it just because I liked the short films on Exposure.Following this flick was a Clive Barker interview.And the Ironic thing is -I wasn't even a fan of Clive's at the time- Now I am a huge Clive Barker and Doug Bradley fan and am SOO glad I happened to catch it.Because now it has become one of my prized possessions! Frazier Lee is pretty cool with his dreads and English accent.I definitely want to find more of his films soon. And hope he makes it to the big time.There was an interview with him and I thought it was so funny that he mentioned he's"somewhat of a dental pervert".I think everyone who is a Pinhead fan should see this amazingly horrifying short film especially if you enjoy dark humor,Doug is so humble yet intense as his part,playful yet at the end extreme.I just wanted to share my opinion with everyone because I believe it is a must see.
Dan This is Frazer Lee's first feature but you wouldn't know it by viewing it. Filmed in stunning 35mm Panavision widescreen the images on screen are beautifully framed and the lighting while being true to the environment add to the uneasy feeling the film is intended to give its viewers. The story follows Peter Thurlow, played by Charley Doorman as he visits his local dentist in a cure for his toothache. After showing up without an appointment and discovering his regular dentist is away on holiday he accepts the offer of treatment from the new dentist, Doctor Mathews, played by horror icon Doug Bradley. Bad Move! Our patient is shown to an upstairs room and settles in the chair for the work to begin and straight away you get the feeling that Doctor Mathews enjoys his work just a little too much.The camera angle places the viewer right in the dentistry chair with the good doctor poised above you, there's no escaping the horror here folks so sit back and open wide please. As the film progresses you learn Doctor Mathews isn't your run of the mill orthodontist and favors his own method of treatment but I won't say any more, don't want to give away too much now do I!.Doug Bradley's performance is excellent and his constantly changing emotions and expressions make the character all that bit more mysterious. Is he there to ease his patient's pain or is he there for his own pleasures? The climax is a true horror moment, mainly thanks to the brilliant special effects work of Bob Keen (Hellraiser, Event Horizon, Dog Soldiers) and it's an image that stays with you long after the credits have packed up and caught the last taxi home.As someone who's never been a fan of dentists this short film got to me, it made me flinch as the anesthetic needle went in, it made me cringe as the doctor slowly moved towards the camera with the drill and the ending, well lets just say my cold pizza and coffee from earlier nearly made a return visit. I'll admit I'm a sucker for these kind of scares, the terror on screen is all that bit more real when it's a situation or experience I can relate to. On Edge gave me the exact same feeling as the last time I watched Arachnophobia. I hate spiders but I love to watch that film just to feel uneasy and scared, and after all aren't spiders and dentists both incarnations of the devil? Please don't let the short fifteen minute runtime put you off this one, the story is so tight and the production values are so high that it really doesn't need to be any longer. Throw in the brilliant performance from Doug and you have the whole shooting match folks, Real life every day horror at its finest."Oh, one last thing. Don't forget to floss"
fleerb I laughed the hell out of me....and today I just went to the dentist so it was perfect! I was disappointed as we could not really see the face of the guy on the net...I hope we can see it perfectly on a real cinema screen.I like the doctor guy (Doug 'Pinhead from Hellraiser' Bradley)... The fact that the 12 first minutes are really slow in the scenario, that we could never see the face of the patient once the dentist took over with his monologue, the weird logic of his speech and the end gives a real Hitckock atmosphere added with violence & humour. This is totally (Frazer) as a creator. Hard Core!Concerning the construction of the movie/scenario: Intro: the disco and the music: Great- dark!2 minutes- metal- hard core (Frazer's band Self Destructive Nature) : announce the corpus of the movie without explaining why. The fear is not there yet. * Introduction of personnages: (2 minutes)- Total new environment-whiter & slower- Introduction of the general individual fear (uncomfortable- doubt) of the audience: a dentist office!!!!but balanced by the apparent kindness of dentist and the relaxing stated of the patient.* Monologue & dentist actions: (6 minutes) Intimist- rhythm given by the voice of the dentist & his excitement: it grows minutes after minutes. At the opposite side: Passive intervention of the patient. Almost absent of the crazzyness of the dentist. Maybe the speech could have been shorter (I think you could have used one or two minutes of that to something else as describing better at the end the disco). The laser tool is too funny!!!Then, the patient awakes- The dentist leaves- end of the intimity:Dentist-patient* The result (2 minutes): Discovery-the audience now see what really happened like the secretary who succeed in entering in the room (her play is not really convincing and does not entirely satisfy his role of being an intermediary-bridge between the movie and the audience)and the patient itself; (the result of the dentist actions was expected- the poster of the movie & the laser utilisation...That kills your face, man!* Chute ((2 last minutes- End): the disco place, the music, and the dentist which finally links the Disco (intro) and the story. The dentist sitting at the bar, watching around... Very American Standard..... In your movie he is only an observer in the disco. He does not act at all. I would have like to see him in the same situation than the patient...(parabole situation); That would have been a scary psychopat! I would have love to see something different as a devil girl with piercing nastly moving around the dentist.... and see a Sado-Maso relationship installing between the 2 of them (this time: Maso is the dentist acting passively - he undergoes the situation this time / sado is the girl), or something like that.The goal would be anyway to see the dentist's behaviour (action) in his inspirational environement......but I believe you have only 15 minutes...General: finally not scary, but upsetting.
Afracious This is an effective short film featuring Doug Bradley of Hellraiser fame, as a dentist who gives treatment to an obnoxious patient. The story unfolds as the dentist tells the patient about his past. It has a rather neat, surprising and gory conclusion.
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