Olive's $weep$take Ticket
Olive's $weep$take Ticket
| 07 March 1941 (USA)
Olive's $weep$take Ticket Trailers

Olive gets a phone call that she has won first prize in a sweepstake. After a frantic search, she locates her ticket, only to have it blow out the window. Help, Popeye!

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Michael_Elliott Olive's $weep$take Ticket (1941) *** (out of 4)Olive tells Popeye that she has the winning sweepstakes ticket but she's lost it. This send Popeye on a wild chase trying to locate the ticket and then keeping up with it.OLIVE'S $SWEEP$TAKE TICKET isn't the greatest film in the animated series but it's at least entertaining enough to make it worth watching. As you'd expect there's some terrific animation throughout and there's also some clever humor as poor Popeye has to put his life in constant danger as he tries to find the ticket and keep it safe. There's a lot of fun animation here that makes this a winner.
ccthemovieman-1 The main gag in this Popeye cartoon is simply Olive and Popeye trying to find a winning sweepstakes ticket, with Popeye having to chase the elusive ticket (once it's found) all over the city and in the sea! Poor Popeye; the things he does for his friends, although - to be honest here - greed, not love, is motivating him. When Olive tells him she's searching for a winning sweepstakes ticket, our sailor man daydreams of living the rich life with chauffeurs, limousines and the works.This cartoon reminds me a feature film called "Twenty Bucks" where the viewers follow a twenty-dollar bill as it goes from hand-to-hand. Here, the ticket is taken by the wind, automobiles, fish - you name - it and Popeye has to think fast to keep up with it.You just know the payoff is not going to be what he and Olive assume it will be.....and it isn't! Overall, interesting because of the fast pace of Popeye chasing all over for the ticket but humor-wise, it's fair-at-best.
Robert Reynolds This short revolves around a winning sweepstake ticket bought by Olive. Popeye winds up chasing all over town to retrieve it, with hilarious results. The scene where Popeye is pretending to read a newspaper while trying to figure out just how to get the ticket off a very statuesque young lady without getting slapped into next month is priceless. The ending of this just goes to prove that true love is a most problematic thing and surely Popeye must be in love, to go through all this for that payoff and not run like the wind far away from Ms. Oyl. The black and white print is better. Recommended.