Olive, The Other Reindeer
Olive, The Other Reindeer
G | 17 December 1999 (USA)
Olive, The Other Reindeer Trailers

After mis-hearing a radio broadcast about Santa canceling his Christmas trip due to an injured reindeer, Olive the dog decides to travel to the North Pole and volunteer to be a replacement. Unfortunately, Olive must deal with an evil postman who's tired of handling all the extra Christmas mail. Will Martini the penguin be able to help Olive realize her dream?

Wordiezett So much average
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
tannerbarrera Olive the other reindeer is a film about a disgusting freak of a dog that resembles a reindeer. This is possibly the worst film ever created. The only good thing that resides in this trash heep is that the theme is christmas, and christmas has snow, and theres snow in happy feet, one of the best movies ever made. It cannot be argued that this film does anything for the good of humanity. Not like the mighty penguins in happy feet that help advocate free speech and freedom of expression. Unlike this movie where a dog that wants to be not a dog. Honestly just a complete mess. Story is not cohesive, the characters are not only litterally flat but also just flat in general, the moral of the story just doesnt make sense. If you like this movie you should feel bad. Go watch a superior movie like happy feet.
pmaczoni This is the cutest Christmas story I have ever seen. I saw this on TV about six years ago but I missed the first part of it. After that I didn't see it again on TV. I was happy when it came out on DVD. I was finally able to buy it and finish watching it. I found it so wonderful that I started buying this DVD to give to people as a Christmas present. I don't think anyone has been disappointed. It is now a annual event to watch Olive. It's one of the few Christmas stories that is just happy. No scary Abominable Snowman, no scary Grinch, no melting snowman and crying children---Just Happy. The people who made this seemed to truly care about making it something special. I am very surprised that so few people have voted on this. It's great for kids and adults.
Victor Field One of the least accomplished episodes of "The Simpsons" was "Insane Clown Poppy," with Drew Barrymore as the voice of Krusty's illegitimate daughter Sophie. Happily, she and Matt Groening pre-emptively made up for this in 1999 with the charming "Olive, the Other Reindeer," which they executive produced, and which featured one of them (hint: not Matt) as the voice of the title character.When Santa Claus faces a crisis that may mean his deliveries won't get through, lovable dog Olive mishears him on the radio hoping to depend on "all of the other reindeer," and believing that Mr. Kringle is counting on her, she's off to the North Pole with the help of her penguin friend Martini, but with a conniving postman (!) out to stop her. Only Scrooge would not be rooting for Olive and Martini to succeed in the course of this special, not least with the warm and winning voice work (particularly Barrymore as our four-legged friend, Joe Pantoliano cast against type as good guy Martini, and Michael Stipe as one of Santa's reindeer - who has a very funny joke about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer). A good, heartwarming story with computer animation from DNA Productions that looks more traditionally cartoony than the norm, which is not a bad thing here; Drew also does her own singing, and it must be said that she won't be giving Alicia Keys a run for her money - but her scrappy enthusiasm on her numbers ("Merry Christmas After All" provides an oddly endearing blend of Miss Barrymore's slightly flat vocalising and the truly musical Big Bad Voodoo Daddy) only adds to the special's charm. Funny and non-sick-making, this is up there with Channel 4's adaptation of "Father Christmas" and some of Rankin/Bass's seasonal cartoons in the winner stakes; one to tape."Warp speed, captain!"
masonmouse I missed this movie the first year it was shown so I was looking forward to it and it was well worth the wait. Drew Barrymore made the main character (Olive) very down-to-earth and likable while Matt Groening's trademark humor provided a number of good one-liners and sight-gags. DNA, responsible for the animation, did a great job as well in keeping the storybook appearance while breathing life into the characters.It's hard to say who the show was targeted at though since a lot of the references and humor weren't completely suitable for children and the whimsical style might have warded a lot of adults off. I found both very refreshing however and will be looking to purchase the DVD. I think this one is bound to become a new holiday classic.