Of Time and the City
Of Time and the City
| 31 October 2008 (USA)
Of Time and the City Trailers

British director Terence Davies reflects on his birthplace of Liverpool - his memories of growing up there and how it has changed in the years since - in the process meditating on the internal struggles and conflicts that have wracked him throughout his life and the history of England during the second half of the 20th century.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
dbborroughs Terrence Davies look at Liverpool and himself takes the form of a tone poem on film. Its a wonderful mix of sound and image and commentary that all comes together to make something special.I don't know what to say about this film other than see it. I say that because this is a very hard film to talk about except unless you've seen it. The reason for this is that there really isn't a narrative as such more the flow of time with the result that I can't talk about sequences and such because its hard to say how they all fit together.I will say that this film wonderfully creates a feeling of being in Liverpool over the course of time thanks to a skillful blend of new and old footage. Rarely does a film make one feel that one has actually been to the place its about.If I have any reservations about the film its that Davies commentary sometimes takes a snide turn. Its not that I have a problem with how he says views the Royal Family, rather its that in changing his tone he changes the cadences of his words and their delivery and the magic spell he so carefully weaves breaks for an instant.A wonderful film that's best seen in a dark room on a big screen with no distractions.
ikanboy This is, behind all the directorial flourishes, a view of working class Britain from above and beyond, and escaped. Davies' plummy voice tells us he has long departed from viewing his childhood home with any degree of warmth and instead drones on in sepulchurion disdain about the Church, his homosexual guilt, his artistic hauteur, as he hammers home, again and again from his dismal vantage point, an opinion complete in it's self absorption, self hate, projection, and most sadly heartlessness. C'mon Terry you must have had some mates, some fun, or at least some mentors who left you with some sense of the pulse of the place you grew up in!Next up Blackpool and all it's masses awaiting intellectual dissecting by a dried up soul.
Hope Allgoode Luckily it was only 77 minutes. This documentary on Liverpool, UK, during the 20th century had potential, but it was like watching a college student's project instead of the work of a 64 year old man. The archival footage was interesting, but the negative, cynical poetry of TS Eliot and James Joyce was very depressing and dark. Here is footage of smiling beautiful Brits going about life and being happy with friends and family, and happy playing children, despite living in a poor city, and the heavy dressing poetry being read over it was ridiculous. Try living in a tough, diverse American urban center, with rampant crime & conflict and then you'll have something to complain about. The poetry was hard to understand too, and no captions available. It is pretentious to prove you are literate by using Joyce or Eliot's words (or whoever the poems were by - there was no attribution), despite them being very whiny, cynical, negative and depressing.It was boring to me and to my male friend. We didn't think it was cute or clever to call Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, 'Betty and Phil" and to be so critical of the Royal pomp & pageantry while adoring Hollywood glitter and pomp. The commentary was unwise, immature, cynical and depressing. The special features were BORING too. Everyone is kissing butt of the director because of past work, but this movie was like a POV show on PBS.The director could have focused on any number of beautiful things about life in Liverpool, including the beauty of the townspeople, instead of the depressing drone of complaints. I recommend to miss it or watch the footage with the sound off. One other point: in the special features they mention more than once that the song The Folks Who Live on the Hill was "BY" Peggy Lee. She sang it, but it was written "BY" Oscar Hammerstein II and Jerome Kern.
lastliberal There was a time when the world was black and while. I lived in that time, and so did Terence Davies. His time in the 50s and 60s was spent in Liverpool, and in this film, this poem with images, and songs, and poetry, and and words of remembrance, he takes us to that time that only those who lived it would fully appreciate.We didn't really know we were poor. We made the best of it and found happiness where we could - at the beach, by winning a race at the fair, or in the movies.The crack began in the mid to late 60s, and we started to question why some had and others didn't, why a church held such power over our lives, why love could not be shared by all, black and white, straight and gay.I thank Terence Davies for this trip back. it was a beautiful thing.