Of Gods and Men
Of Gods and Men
PG-13 | 25 February 2011 (USA)
Of Gods and Men Trailers

French drama based on the 1996 kidnapping and killing of seven monks in Algeria. A group of Trappist monks reside in the monastery of Tibhirine in Algeria, where they live in harmony with the largely muslim population. When a bloody conflict between Algeria's army and Muslim Jihadi insurgents disrupts the peace, they are forced to consider fleeing the monastery and deserting the villagers they have ministered to. In the face of deadly violence the monks wrestle with their faith and their convictions, eventually deciding to stay and help their neighbours keep the army and the insurgents at bay.

Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kirpianuscus it is a support for memories. about Christian message and about the mission to give the word of God everywhere. about the relation between Catholics and Islam across the history. about values, martyrs, tolerance and the life of monk. about lessons of faith as lessons about courage. about God. and about Orient, terrorism, options and roots. about men. and about gods. and the force to remain yourself under danger. each of this details, the performances - Michael Lonsdale does more than an admirable job - ,the tension, the hymns, the monastery life different by ordinary clichés, the magnificent scenes who gives more force, sensitivity and dramatic than dialogues or images are steps to a real trip in the past." Des hommes et des dieux" is a magnificent film. it is the only definition who could remains able after you see it.
Desertman84 "Of Gods And Men" a.k.a "Des hommes et des dieux" is a French film that centers on the monastery of Tibhirine.During the civil war in Algeria in 1996,nine Trappist monks lived in harmony with a largely Muslim population until seven of them were kidnapped and died to unknown circumstances.It features a cast led Lambert Wilson and Michael Lonsdale.The title of the movie was taken from Psalm 82:6–7 that states, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes."It was also loosely based on the experiences of the Cistercian monks of Tibhirine in Algeria from 1993 until their kidnapping in 1996.This is a touching movie about a group of monks who live ordinary lives that goes through a tough test when the civil war in Algeria happened.Their faith was tested when they were kidnapped by religious extremists and they have shown they are willing to give their life for God and for self-sacrifice when religious violence occurred.It was also a good spiritual film that is compelling as it will allow the viewer to undergo self-introspection especially when it comes to their spiritual life and how much as they willing to sacrifice when it comes to God and this aspect of this life. It also deals very well with the negative effects of the hate that people have for each other due to differences in spiritual beliefs.Overall,we are treated to a good film about spirituality and religious hatred.
Kong Ho Meng This film should deserve better. But it did not. Problem lies in the importance of significant events are failed to be captured properly.For example, there is too much time allocation on menial tasks, which is okay, but when scenes significant to the flow of plot surfaces, I just do not understand why the director did so little and allow certain cliché, unrealistic actions to take place. This is especially true to the terrorists who I believed were not portrayed in the correct way. Just go away without stealing the medications? This is so not realistic.The priests themselves, while collectively they have been given enough character study, by showing that even priests are like human beings who can be conflicted with each other and conflicted with their faith under fear and life-threatening circumstances... are still below my expectations.For example, some of them had expressed enough cowardice at the beginning that I expect some sort of betrayal to happen but it did not. This is fine. I questioned the motives of why some of them ended up becoming as priests, and there was not enough reason to justify why those who desperately wanted to leave changed their minds later. Not fine. The movie failed to addressed these issues in full. Maybe the pace is too slow for me, but I think the movie could have done a little more given the amount of time it was allocated.
frjacksjmd One can react to a film in many ways including: intellectually, viscerally, emotionally, cognitively, spiritually and aesthetically. One's reaction to a particular film is the result of complex interactions of all of the above and the characteristics of the film itself. Certain films are more likely to bring out particular types of reactions. This film works on many levels and will draw out complex and individual responses from each viewer. My responses were heavily influenced by my being a member of Catholic men's religious order that has a long (and ongoing) history or missionary work that, at times, puts our men in danger. This was true in the centuries since our founding and remains true for a number of my friends who are working "undercover" in several countries. I first watched Of Gods and Men with another member of the order who had already seen it but wanted to share the video and the experience with me. We watched on a small not very good TV with wretched sound. But within moments of the opening all of that faded away. When it was over I sat in the dark room stunned. I know several Trappist monks. I admire their lives and occasionally retreat at one of the their monasteries. While their vocation to contemplative monastic life is not my vocation, the bond of being in religious vows allows us to share something fundamental and vital. I was stunned when I read about the killings in Algeria and followed the story closely in the papers. Before watching the film I read the very well-written The Monks of Tibhirine that supplied some back story and biographical information that was not included in the film, a great deal about the history of Islamic fundamentalism in Algeria and much history of the French in Algeria. The scenes during which the men were discerning God's will, both as a community and individually, ring true. The lack of consensus, the bickering, the fear, the acceptance and the gradual movement of the Spirit are the same for all orders when they engage in corporate discernment emerging from each member's individual discernment. Though forewarned by my buddy, the scene of Swan Lake playing in the refectory was emotionally wrenching. The looks on the men's faces as the music swirled and the sense of community returned could never be described in words. I've been as deeply moved and emotionally drained each time I've watched the movie since (about four times since the initial viewing a year ago). Quibbles about the lack of action are absurd. That is not the kind of life we lead as religious. Prayer, Mass, and contemplation (even in an active order) are the backbone of our lives together and as individuals. The combination of the honesty of the portrayals of the men's and the community's spiritual crises along with the sublime cinematography combine to make this an extraordinary film on all levels.