Occupation 101
Occupation 101
| 25 March 2006 (USA)
Occupation 101 Trailers

A thought-provoking documentary on the current and historical causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. political involvement.

Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
rezasantorini Interesting story line that validates what Palestinians and Muslims want the world to believe. It does include facts, but they are one-sided. This issue is one many Muslims want to dominate the news for their intent on Islam being a SUPREME religion, the only TRUE, religion is substantiated herein. Judaism is has as much a right to survive as do the Palestinian Muslims but when one considers the population of each religion and how much territory is "owned" by each, this becomes another issue. The world must see that. Jews cannot take another era of Anti-Semitism and killing of their people, by any peoples. This is not a unique position. Either we rid ourselves of all religions, or we will end up with a World War based on one group of people. Additionally, I don't want to be led by religion as much as I want to be an American with a right to choose a religion, or not. Some of us know there is more to the story.
Jonathan Bird The label Documentary, even in these post modern times, implies objectivity. Unfortunately this is something lacking here. It would wrong to say the film is Pro-Palestian, since it attacks President Yassir Arafat and the members of Fatah as incompetent, corrupt and collaborators. Instead it backs, the militant platform. The peace process is explicitly portrayed as a trick by the Israelis to continue occupation and it is implied Palestians who talked to them, were motivated by greed. As propaganda it also lacks power. I watched it with students, apart from those ideologically committed, they expressed incredulity. A political science student said "it's propaganda isn't it". The paradox is, a touch of objectivity adds power to partisan films. The Battle of Algeris is all the more compelling, because, the French paratroops, are human beings. Israeli soldiers are portrayed here as in WWI tabloid cartoons Kaiser's army was, killing children, women and defenceless men, for little reason.However indiscriminate killing is justified, when committed by Palestinian militants: the longest single segment in the film, is devoted to portraying suicide-bombing as the only defence against a merciless foe. Struggles in Ireland, South-Africa and India are used as supporting parallels. Expressly the words, the apartheid government used in the Rivevoina trial to frame Nelson Mandela, are taken to be blessing on terrorism.To sum-up Nobel peace prize winners Rabin,Peres and Arrafat are painted as collaborators in oppression and café, bus and restaurant bombings are elevated to a needed, even laudable noble action.
eenajma I watched tens of films on the Palestinian cause and I Can tell you this is the best ever produced documentary about the sufferings of the Palestinians since 1948 and the continuous crimes of the Zionists and their illegal state, Iseal.The documentary is well-cited and supported with statistics and numbers whenever available. The powerful part though, I believe, is the comparison between the Palestinian struggle and the South African struggle against Apartheid.If you haven't watched this you HAVE TO! If you already did then make sure you buy your own copy from www.occupation101.com and show it to your friends, family, neighbours, colleagues. Arrange public showings in your local community centre, in your school, university, café. The whole world must watch this one to understand that the key to peace in the world is no where but in Palestine which should go back to its people, Palestinians.
MarshallPSmith I saw this film at the deadCENTER Film Festival in Oklahoma City where it won the Feature Documentary Award and I was able to visit with the Writer/Director, Abdullah Omeish. The clean cut well spoken young man could've come off any American college campus. Abdullah has worked on this project for years and the result is a comprehensive study of the current situation in this Middle Eastern hotbed.'Occupation 101' explores the beginnings of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; tracing the history through today. The straightforward approach is objective and graphics are used effectively without the classroom feeling. Omeish also makes interesting use of the voluminous archival footage available. To avoid appearing bias no Palestinian Officials were interviewed with all experts being Israeli or Americans. The target audience is the United States, rather than just 'the West', since the Producer feels they are the most in need of an educational background of the conflict.The American Christian-Jewish connection could've been fleshed-out better but one can get the idea for the unqualified support the United States gives Israel. The film is thought provoking and begs questions that don't have any easy answers. The goal of the film is educational and it has succeeded, providing needed insight into the conflict. This is an important film that hopefully will find a wider voice which very well could aid fair & balanced dealings with all involved.