Obsessed with Vertigo: New Life for Hitchcock's Masterpiece
Obsessed with Vertigo: New Life for Hitchcock's Masterpiece
NR | 01 June 1997 (USA)
Obsessed with Vertigo: New Life for Hitchcock's Masterpiece Trailers

A documentary about the making and restoration of Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece "Vertigo." Narrated by Roddy McDowall, with behind-the-scenes talk from Barbara Bel Geddes, Henry Bumstead, Robert A. Harris, Patricia Hitchcock, James C. Katz, Kim Novak, Peggy Robertson and Martin Scorsese. Brings fresh perspective, not just to the film and the director, but to the Fifties Hollywood as well. [Included as extra with DVD release].

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Connianatu How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Hot 888 Mama . . . is not quite perfect, but neither is the James Stewart vehicle itself. Hitchcock clapboard sniffers, some of whom number among the talking heads here on OBSESSED WITH VERTIGO, apparently feel no qualms about going "Tee-hee-hee, wasn't 'ol' Hitch a bad boy for using such a lame dummy to represent the REAL Madeleine being tossed from the bell tower," or "Ha ha ha, ain't that Hitch something for putting Kim Novak in a gray suit which she knew clashed with her blonde hair?", which I suppose could be taken as a refreshing change from my literature prof who claimed THE GREAT GATSBY was the world's PERFECT book, and "not one word could be changed with causing the Great Pyramids to collapse." The fact is, it would make more sense to tell us what's GOOD about a flick than to try to justify the quirky use of stage conventions from the 1800s in movies made a century later as being strokes of genius somehow. Most of us were not born yesterday.
moonspinner55 Chronicling the restoration of Alfred Hitchcock's masterwork "Vertigo", we get background information and amazing behind-the-scenes photographs and gossip about one of the greatest films ever made. I loved getting to see those rare pics of Hitch in San Francisco, and that original cover of the French novel "D'entre les Morts", upon which "Vertigo" is based, is stunning (try finding that in a pinch!). Roddy McDowall narrates in his inimitable, non show-offy way. The quick interviews with Kim Novak, Barbara Bel Geddes and others are very enjoyable. Perfect for whetting the palate for a "Vertigo" viewing, so put them both on (this one first) for a stylish, informative evening.
magnetic84 This documentary is incredibly informative, both about the movie Vertigo and the restoration in 1996. Two small complaints: - The restorers are some of the most unitnteresting people on the face of the earth. - The use of the spiral effect in the opening sequence of the documentary is just way too cheap of a rip-off of the original movie. It was not necessary at all. All those small things a side, this is required viewing for any Hitchcock buff or any lover of movies.
Ryan J. Gilmer This short documentary about the 1996 reconstruction and restoration of Vertigo is definitely worth the view. It was originally aired on AMC, but is now included on the DVD and special edition VHS of Vertigo. The documentary has interviews with behind the scenes people from both the 1958 movie and the restoration, Hitch's daughter and a couple people from the cast are also interviewed. Many clips from the movie are shown and we follow Vertigo as it transforms from its working titles of "The Walking Dead" and "Listen Darkling" into the 1958 Vertigo and then as it transforms into a 70mm 1996 Vertigo. It is very good, but alas it could have been a little better. Still, I wish all of Hitch's movies came with a little history/crib note like this.Vote: 8 Viewed: VHS
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