Nude for Satan
Nude for Satan
| 30 October 1974 (USA)
Nude for Satan Trailers

Italian Gothic horror that tells the tale of a man who stops at a remote castle hoping to get medical help for an injured woman, only to find the inhabitants mirror the darker sides of the woman and himself.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
doc_hartman I don't agree with those who say this film is just another sleaz-fest. Is it Exploitation cinema? Heck yes! But like many films of that sort, there is more to it than just showing a beautiful woman's bare bodkin. There is interesting cinematography and actual honest to goodness character development. I'm not saying there was a crime committed by shutting this film out of the Oscars, but I think it's a good film.The lovely Rita Calderoni does a good job in her double role as Good Susan/Bad Evelyn and thank God we get to see her without being bludgeoned or maimed (al la Delerium). This is perhaps the best and most inspired work of director Batzella and is a must see for all fans of the genre.
callanvass Wasn't that impressed , however it did have it's enjoyable moments. There was TONS and TONS of nudity, lots of Lesbian action, and other stuff to enjoy, however, the pace is inconsistent and the atrocious dubbing does not help matters either. It had lots of great atmosphere , and the hammy acting to enjoy however it could have been a lot better and the finale was a bit weak. The direction was good. Luigi Batzella did a very good job here with creating lots of creepy and foggy atmosphere, and it's visually striking and the Razzle dazzle camera work is awesome however the Pace isn't that great and he could have made the ending better, the lighting was excellent though. There is a tiny bit of blood. We get a bloody whipping sequence, a bloody stabbing, and that's all she wrote. The Acting is so so. Rita Calderoni over acts as Susan but does good as Evelyn she was much more interesting. James Harris did what he had to do. Stelio Candelli was very good as both Dr Benson and Peter. Overall i suppose it's worth one watch if ya can find it (i found it on the Scream Channel). **1/2 out of 5. By the way the Photography was excellent.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*Rita Calderoni gets naked a lot in this movie. She has a great body. Other than that I can't think of any reason to see this movie. If I had a gallon of vodka then maybe I could have gotten into the swing of things. One confusing scene after another with Rita getting naked through most of it. God bless her for saving this movie from the dumpster.So Rita and a doctor end up at a house that may be stuck in a timewarp or maybe it's the devil's summer home or not. I had a hard time figuring it out. They find doubles of themselves inside the house and other crazy things happen. Man oh man, where was my 12 pack of beer when I needed it? I'm sitting there trying desperately to figure out what's going on when I should have been just enjoying watching naked Rita. Wow, she looked good. She was in another headache movie called "Delirium" but wasn't naked nearly as often. Rita naked rating: 10/10. Normal movie rating: 3/10.
peterc-8 I really tried to like the film!SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS Pretty much unwatchable - wretched. This is one 1970's "bad" Euro-sleaze films that is actually really is bad.The film starts out OK. Dark murky night. Phantom in the road. protagonist veers his car off the road to avoid hitting the phantom, right behind him - Euro-hottie Rita Calderoni also veers to avoid the phantom but she isnt so lucky and crashes her car. The only place for the pair to seek help is in the local spooky mansion on the hill.A decent start, right? No Problem. But from there the film progressively and steadily implodes. The mansion is trapped in some poorly thought out satanic time warp plot device. Themes from Jekyll and Hyde lamely blended with Brigadoon. I guess that is what they were aiming for (?). The acting is terrible. Calderoni puts in the only passable performance - if only because she runs around in the buff most of the time. All of the other actors are just terrible. Terrible script, terrible direction. The head boogie-man (Satan, I guess) looks like Liberace in the throes of a hissy-fit - hardly Satanic. The most menacing thing he does is carry a duck-headed swagger stick while scowling, laughing and flapping his cape around (p***ed that he can't find his piano?). The scariest moments in the whole film are make out scenes between Calderoni and James Harris. Everyone has horrible greasy looking teeth. "Good god!...Calderoni is really going to suck face with that slimy toothed wooden indian?!?! Yikes! Cringe! Ick!"Scenes which should be great, are just not great - Calderoni being molested by a two eyed paper mache spider, girl-on-girl make-out scenes, etc., nothing ever really jells. If you keep watching to the end you are treated to the most idiotic scene involving nudity, face paint, and bad modern dance every committed to film. BAR NONE!! Not cool-idiotic, just stupid-stupid-stupid idiotic. A real head scratcher. We are talking Cop Rock bad here.You should really draw no connections between this steaming pile and anything by Argento, Franco, Naschy - even at their worst.Also, NO! this movie would NOT be a good candidate for that freaking godawful MST3K drivel everyone keeps raving about on this site. This movie is lame enough on its own. Adding commercials, subtracting nudity and adding nerds with puppets geeking-out over the dialog would just make it more pathetic.OK...On the positive side there are a few excellent visual effects which are very unique - Never seen anything quite like them. In one scene Calderoni's clothes disappear and then she is sort of overlayed onto a close-up of the bad guys eye - This scene is a classic. Also the surreal effect they used for a magic painting/mirror is great. Rent this film for these two scenes alone. The spider attack scene and ending dance-break scene are worth watching as examples of what happens when you need to finish a film in 2 days and for $24.00 or else your films financiers are going to repo your house.Rental only, with generous fast-forwarding.