Nothing Personal
Nothing Personal
PG-13 | 18 November 2010 (USA)
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Alone in her empty flat, from her window Anne observes the people passing by who nervously snatch up the personal belongings and pieces of furniture she has put out on the pavement. Her final gesture of taking a ring off her finger signals she is leaving her previous life in Holland behind. She goes to Ireland, where she chooses to lead a solitary, wandering existence, striding through the austere landscapes of Connemara. During her travels, she discovers a house that is home to a hermit, Martin.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Sam DeRenzis This films exceptionally well done as it leaves out so much of what films today do not, music at every moment and constant dramas. Instead we get a fresh perspective on two people, one that wants to be a loner and escape and another that sorta/kinda doesn't want to but is a loner non-the-less.Honestly his life didn't seem so terrible that he would end it, which is the final outcome of the film. However it's unclear if he off'd himself or it was a natural death, I would say natural in my opinion except for his letter to her which pretty much says it all. Of course the letter is all about giving her his place only for her to leave it! Irony! The only real issue I have with this film is, well OK more than one: 1. He doesn't sleep with her when she offers herself. Unbelievable since he clearly had been wanting to the entire film, and what man would not want too I mean dear lord.2. He off's himself for no real reason (we are aware of) however based on the trend in the film of him slowly letting her move closer it makes no sense at all, none. I'm offended and annoyed they went the easy route instead of tying up all the loose ends in this movie. I mean seriously what normally would've happened is they begin to feel something romantic for each other, and we learn more about who they are, finally they end up together, perhaps cliché but still a brighter end than this film makes things out to be. Her alone anyway in that crummy apartment abandoning his stuff for god knows whom to pillage! Some would say a movie that makes you talk is great, this sure will do that for you let me tell ya. But I would have ended it on a happy note, why not? And he wasn't that OLD OK so it's not really crazy to expect they'd end up together. Alright bye!
Larry Silverstein This film directed by Urszula Antoniak is what I would call non-gimmicky non-formulaic independent film. It's basically a two person film with terrific laid back performances from Stephen Rea, a wonderful Irish actor, and Lotte Verbeek, a Dutch actress.Verbeek is mysterious drifter who comes upon Rea's isolated home on the Irish coast. At first, she is hostile to any interactions with him. However, over time in slow and subtle ways they begin to bond. It all leads to what I thought was a touching and appropriate ending.I found this to be a surprisingly quiet wonderful film. For those with no patience probably not the film for you.
p-stepien Based on the Locarno credentials of this movie (garnering six awards at that event, not counting many others) I decided to take a dive into some of my expatriate's work abroad. A very simple tale about Anne (Lotte Verbaek), who cuts away from everything connected to her previous life in Holland (most likely due to the death of her husband, but we can only speculate the real reason) and backpacks to Ireland. There she comes across an elderly fisherman, Martin, (the brilliant Stephen Rea), who lives in solitude in a desolate location close to the sea. On their encounter Anne is extremely rash, even rude, being in a state devoid of any warmth or friendliness. However they soon agree to an uneasy truce: Anne will work for food, but as long as no personal matters are touched.Set in untiringly beautiful locations of the Irish countryside the movie always manages to remain an eye-catcher (especially a fascinating peninsular, which is the main location of the movie), which helps keep the focus on the story itself, despite its very slowly unwinding rudimentary plot. Emotionwise I wasn't however fully convinced by Lotte Verbaek and additionally I did feel that several scenes/dialogues seemed not to fit the overall tone and logic of the movie. Nonetheless the whole story rings with a somber truth, as emotions and feelings catch the characters unawares, which leads to an absolutely heart-wrenching finale (the scene from the poster). Very simply crafted and set in the most basic human feelings it really has an unbelievable capacity to capture the attention and linger in memory.Despite it's flaws it remains a stunning, if very reserved, watch, which shows the immense potential of Polish-born Urszula Antoniak.
mensch-2 Lotte Verbeek and Stephen Rea, two highly accomplished actors, take on this thoughtful two- hander from Polish-Dutch débutant Urszula Antoniak about loneliness and the difficulty of human connection.Verbeek plays an unnamed Dutch woman who finds herself in Ireland after the end of her marriage and, having opted for an itinerant life free from life's trappings, ends up working on the isolated estate of recent widower Martin (Rea). They strike up an agreement: she will work for food on condition that neither exchanges any personal information about the other. The deal works for a while, but inevitably resistances crumble and the pair form a strong and, for the audience, steadily intriguing bond. Their personal as well as cultural differences clash and then mesh, leading to a co-dependency allegorical to most 'normal' relationships. Antoniak clearly has a good eye, and her performers give their all, but as the film's central premise – a Dutch girl wandering into the Galway countryside – is never explained (beyond the financial needs of a Dutch-Irish co-production), the result is perplexing rather than engaging. While Antoniak's restraint is admirable, from a dramaturgical perspective we are left to scratch our heads while indulging in shots of beautiful countryside. The result is impressive but curiously forgettable, and feels like the idea for a short stretched out into a feature-length film (albeit one that cleaned up at the Locarno Film Festival). We are certainly pulled into the head of the main character, but as her puzzlement and anomie for the world increases so does ours for the film, so any chance of redemption (or explanation) is not just missing, it's redundant. Antoniak is one to watch, but whether one could say the same for the film is not so much a question of quality but one of taste.
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