Nothing but Trouble
Nothing but Trouble
PG-13 | 15 February 1991 (USA)
Nothing but Trouble Trailers

While attempting to seduce gorgeous lawyer Diane Lightson, wealthy gadabout Chris Thorne agrees to drive her to Atlantic City, N.J. But, when some reckless driving draws the attention of a deeply critical cop, they and the flamboyant "Brazillionaires" who tagged along end up in the court of a grotesque and vengeful judge, who has a special vendetta against the wealthy and erudite.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
sol- Pulled over for speeding in a small country town, a financial adviser and his companions are subjected to strange forms of justice at the mercy of an eccentric local judge in this bizarre horror comedy. The film was a commercial flop and was nominated for several Razzies in its day, but it is actually a more worthwhile movie than its reputation might suggest. The judge's manor at the very least is a magnificent feat of art direction, full of trap doors, hidden elevators, closing walls and a roller-coaster that ends with its riders being crushed to death (how they enforce the death penalty). Some of the zaniness comes off as weird simply for the sake of it, including two blob creatures that live in the nearby junkyard, but a fair amount of the dark humour works as the film focuses on the dangers of breaking the rules in places where the letter of the law might not always be applied. Balancing both comedy and horror, the film is never quite as funny or scary as it may have been had writer-director Dan Aykroyd chosen to just focus on one genre, but the great imagination he displays here makes it seem a shame that the film's negative reception caused him to give up directing altogether. The very mechanically wired courtroom and equally as wired dinner table are great, and Aykyrod is clearly having a lot of fun here, having cast himself in the scene-stealing role of the cantankerous judge.
blatherskitenoir You have a family of decrepit, inbred freaks, rotting in a hellish kingdom of trash they rule over with arbitrarily insane cruelty as they capture unsuspecting passer-throughs in increasingly complex traps made from garbage and deadly, mechanical ingenuity. The perfect premise for a disturbing slasher flick in a demented carnival of horror.But...this effed up situation is ruined by slapstick, bawdy humor, and Chevy Chase's irritatingly dry, caustic snark that just makes you want to smack him.The two genres are not mixed effectively, and the entire movie comes across as disjointed, bizarre, and just not that well done. The different comedic styles of Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, and John Candy do not meld with each other, let alone the horror situation, and none of the actors have chemistry together.It certainly is the only movie really like it, and may be worth watching based on the strange factor alone. Fun to watch in a group and heckle, those who are fans of The Room, Rocky Horror, Trolls, and similarly Bad 'cult' movies may find another weird film to worship in Nothing But Trouble.
bomexsaturn I was born and raised in eastern Pennsylvania. Watching this movie, I know exactly where the inspiration came from. It is basically a caricature of an old "coal town" in Pennsylvania. The honorable reeve is identical to the stereotypical "pennsylvania dutch man". If you are from PA, you will love the film. If you are from somewhere else, this movie will show you why you should never move here. It's all about the details in this film. The local meat markets sell garbage that is similar to the hot dogs, and the junk all over the yard is another PA dutch characteristic. Check this movie out, and go into it with an open mind.
IndridC0ld How this movie became known as a quintessential flop is quite beyond me. Then again, when I consider some of the movies that have garnered "best picture" Academy Awards, the whole flawed process of rating movies becomes clear. There is simply no accounting for taste. For example, consider that, the overlong, pretentious, and painfully boring, Chariots of Fire, actually WON the Best Picture award, and yet all the film gave me (and MANY others) was a bad headache. To each his own.So, on to my review. I never saw this picture when it debut in 1991, but I clearly recall watching its HBO premiere. I found it to be one of the finest examples of really dark comedy that I had ever seen. The wonderful serendipitous circumstances which allowed Mr. Ackroyd to secure the services of top notch talent like Moore and Chase only served to make the movie seem all the more "believable" and satisfying. I'm sure that all of the headliner performers felt like their agents had consigned them to apply their considerable talents to, what can only be described as, the "circle of hell" that Dante might have envisioned for the bloated egos of self-aggrandizing film stars. The look on Chase's face when he imagines the judge's nose transformed into a penis is so authentic that I was convulsed with laughter. And who can forget that priceless card game between Demi Moore and the delightful "Little Devil and BoBo." Surely Ms. Moore has experienced similar feelings while surrounded by adoring male fans queuing up to the very edge of Hollywood's famed red carpet.What makes this film even more of a gem is that we, as the audience, KNOW that this was probably not what the actors believed that they had signed up for. It plays as humorously as if, say, Lawrence Olivier had been contracted to star as "Mr. Hand" in Fast Times At Ridgemont High. To their credit, all of the actors are in fine form, and do deliver their very best to the insane plot and dialog. And that, in a nutshell, is why this film belongs on any film buff's "must see" list. It's not "Hamlet," but it delivers solid (if extremely dark) comedic entertainment.